Lesson Video: Parts and Wholes | Nagwa Lesson Video: Parts and Wholes | Nagwa

Lesson Video: Parts and Wholes Mathematics

In this video, we will learn how to partition numbers up to 10 into two or more parts and use the words “part” and “whole” correctly.


Video Transcript

Parts and Wholes

In this video, we’re going to learn how to partition or split numbers up to 10 into two or more parts. Also, we’re going to learn how to use the words part and whole correctly.

Let’s start by thinking about this apple. We can see that it’s a complete apple; nothing’s missing from it. We can use the word whole to describe this apple. And we’re not talking about a hole in the ground. This word has got a “w” at the start of it. We use the word whole when we’re talking about all of something, when an object or a number is complete. Our apple’s complete, and so we can say it’s a whole apple.

Now, let’s imagine that we take a knife and we cut our apple. By cutting our apple, we’ve split it. Another word for this is “partition.” We’ve partitioned the apple. And instead of having one whole apple, we now have two parts of an apple. We can use the word part to describe some of something.

Here’s a slice of cream cake. Is this a whole or a part? We know that a slice of a cake is part of a cake. The whole cake has been partitioned. Here’s the rest of the cake. We can say that this is another part of the cake. One part is bigger than the other, but they’re both parts. They’re both some of a cake, not all of a cake. But what if we put our two parts together? This is a bit like what we do when we add numbers, isn’t it? By adding the two parts together, we can make a whole cake.

We can show parts and wholes using a model like this. In the first circle, we can show the whole amount or write the whole number. And then, these circles show the parts that the whole has been split into. And we could do this with everyday objects that we’ve partitioned, numbers that we’ve modeled.

This part-whole diagram shows that four counters can be split into a group of one counter and a group of three counters. And you know we could show exactly the same number fact by replacing our counters for numbers. Four is equal to one and three. You see how these part-whole models work? We can start with the parts, then put them together. And this gives us our whole amount. Let’s try using part-whole models like this as we answer some questions to do with parts and wholes.

Emma has five blocks. She put them into two groups and found that five is two and three. And we can see a picture there of Emma saying that five is two and three. How else can she make five? Hint: make two groups with five objects. Five is five and one, five is two and two, or five is one and four.

This question is all about parts and wholes. To begin with, we’re told that Emma has five blocks. This is the whole amount, the total amount that Emma has. But we’re then told that Emma puts her five blocks into two groups. She splits them up or partitions them. And so, instead of having one whole amount of blocks, she now has two parts. And we can see how she does this in the picture. We call this sort of a picture a part-whole diagram. Let’s think about how Emma made her part-whole diagram.

So, to begin with, Emma had five blocks. This is the whole amount. And these are the five blocks that we can see in the top circle. And then, what she did was to split her five blocks into two groups. What we’ll do is we’ll move our five blocks into two groups so we can see how she found her answer.

In the first group, she put one, two blocks. And in the second group, she was left with one, two, three blocks. And that’s how she knows that five is two and three. Now, the question asked us, how else can she make five? And to help us answer the question, we’re given a hint. We’re told to make two groups with five objects. Let’s go through each of our three possible answers to find out which is correct.

Our first possible answer says five is five and one. Let’s use our part-whole diagram to see if we can split five into five and one. Our first part needs to be made up of five blocks. One, two, three, four, five. We’ve used up all of the blocks. There are five blocks in one part and zero blocks in the other part. So, we can see that five isn’t five and one. It’s actually five and zero. Let’s put a little cross by this statement so that we remember it’s not right.

Our second statement says five is two and two. Let’s partition our whole amount into two and two. One, two. One, two. We’ve still got one more block that we need to split up. Let’s add it to our second part. We have two in the first part and three in the second part. We can see that five isn’t two and two. It’s two and three. Let’s put a cross by that.

We only have one more possible answer. Can Emma split five blocks into one and four? Let’s see. One, now, how much is in our second group? One, two, three, four. We had five objects. And we’ve made two groups out of them. And so, another way that Emma can make five is by splitting or partitioning her blocks into one and four. Five is one and four.

There are seven cubes altogether and four of them are red. What number is missing from the number bond? Hint: Use the blue cubes to help you.

The first thing we’re told in this question is that there are seven cubes altogether. You know this word “altogether” means we’re talking about the whole amount. And if we look at the picture underneath, we can see a line of seven cubes. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. And if we look at the part-whole diagram underneath, we can see the whole amount. Here’s the number seven in our first circle.

Now, this whole amount is made up of two parts, a red part and a blue part. We’re told that four of the seven cubes are red. And again, we can see the four cubes in the picture. And also, the number four is labeled on our part-whole diagram. The question asked us, what number is missing from the number bond? Now, this phrase “number bond” is just another way to describe our part-whole diagram. A number bond is just a way of showing how different numbers go together to make a total.

And our number bond shows that four and something make seven. We need to find out what that something is. We know that the number four represents the red cubes. And that’s why our hint asked us to use the blue cubes to help us. We need to count the blue cubes to see what goes together with four to make seven. Let’s count these blue cubes. One, two, there are three blue cubes. So, we know that four and three make seven. The whole amount of seven can be split into two parts, four and three. The number that’s missing from the number bond is three. Seven can be split into four and three.

Ethan has four counters. He wants to find ways to make four. You see a picture of him there asking, how many ways can I make four? What number is missing? Hint: make two groups with four counters. And Ethan is asking, four is one and what? Find another way to make four. What number is missing? Four is two and what?

The first thing we’re told in this problem is that Ethan has four counters. And he wants to find ways to make four. And if we look at the picture, we can see that Ethan has a part-whole diagram. This is a way of showing number bonds, numbers that go together to make a total. And in this case, it’s numbers that go together to make a total of four.

Our first question asked us what number is missing. Missing from where? Well, missing from this second part-whole diagram and from Ethan’s statement where he says, four is one and what? In other words, how can we make four? We can put together one counter and how many more counters? We’re given a hint to help us find the missing number. And that’s to make two groups with four counters. So, let’s do that.

Here are four counters. This is the whole amount. Now, let’s split them into two parts. We know that the first part must be one because Ethan says four is one and something. So, let’s color our one counter a different color to the rest. There we go. We’ve made two groups out of four counters. There’s one counter in our first group. And there are one, two, three counters in our second group. We can use this to complete our part-whole diagram. Four is the same as one and three. So, the number that’s missing in Ethan’s sentence is the number three.

The next part of our problem asked us to find another way to make four. What number is missing? Four is two and what? Let’s start with four counters again. Here are our four counters that we’re going to start with. And we’re told that four is two and something. So, let’s color our first group, our first part, which is worth two. So, what goes together with two to make four? One, two, we can partition or split four counters into a group of two and another group of two. Four is two and two. Our missing number is two.

So, what have we learned in this video? Firstly, we’ve learned how to use the words part and whole correctly. We’ve also learned how to partition or split numbers up to 10 into two or more parts.

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