Question Video: Number Patterns with Numbers up to 999 | Nagwa Question Video: Number Patterns with Numbers up to 999 | Nagwa

Question Video: Number Patterns with Numbers up to 999 Mathematics

Complete the pattern: 433, 383, 333, _, _, _.


Video Transcript

Complete the pattern: 433, 383, 333, what, what, what.

In this question, we’re given a pattern. And we have to complete the three missing numbers. Before we can find the missing numbers, we need to work out the rule of the pattern. The first thing you might notice about these numbers is that they are decreasing. They’re going down in value. 433, 383, 333. We know the numbers are decreasing, but we have to work out by how much. How do we get from 433 to 383? To find the difference, we could subtract. We can take 383 from 433. That will tell us how much the number has decreased by.

We know that three ones take away three ones leaves us with zero. We’ve got three 10s. We need to subtract eight. So we need to exchange. We can take 100 and exchange it for 10 10s, which is 13 take away eight. 13 10s take away eight 10s leaves us with five 10s. And three 100s take away three 100s leaves us with no hundreds. So the difference between 433 and 383 is 50. We have to subtract 50. And to make sure that the rule is subtract 50, let’s find the difference between 383 and 333. Again, we’ve got three ones and we need to take away three ones, which leaves us with no ones. Eight 10s take away three 10s leaves us with five 10s. And three 100s subtract three 100s leaves us with no hundreds. The difference is 50.

So to find the next number in the sequence, we need to subtract 50 from 333. Three take away zero is three. Three 10s are less than five 10s, so we need to exchange. 13 10s take away five 10s leaves us with eight 10s. And two 100s take away nothing leaves us with two 100s. So the first of our missing numbers is 283. So what’s 283 subtract 50? Did you notice the pattern in the tens and ones digits? 33, 83, 33, 83. 283 subtract 50 is 233. To find the last number in the pattern, we need to take 50 away from 233. Can you predict what the number will be? 433, 383, 333, 283, 233, 183. The missing numbers in the pattern are 283, 233, 183. We realized that the rule of the pattern was to subtract 50 each time. And we used this to find the three missing numbers.

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