Question Video: Determining the Chemical Formula of Sulfuric Acid | Nagwa Question Video: Determining the Chemical Formula of Sulfuric Acid | Nagwa

Question Video: Determining the Chemical Formula of Sulfuric Acid Science • First Year of Preparatory School

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Molecules of sulfuric acid consist of two hydrogen atoms and four atoms of oxygen. Each oxygen atom is attached to a central sulfur atom. What is the chemical formula of sulfuric acid?


Video Transcript

Molecules of sulfuric acid consist of two hydrogen atoms and four atoms of oxygen. Each oxygen atom is attached to a central sulfur atom. What is the chemical formula of sulfuric acid?

A chemical formula is an expression of chemical symbols and numerical subscripts that represents the composition of a molecule or one unit of a compound. H2O is an example of a chemical formula. Capital H is the chemical symbol of hydrogen, and capital O is the chemical symbol of oxygen, as found on the periodic table. The number two is a numerical subscript. It tells us how many atoms of hydrogen are in one molecule of H2O. When no numerical subscript is written, only one atom of the element is present in the molecule.

Now that we understand the basics of a chemical formula, we can look at the molecule of sulfuric acid given. We are told that the molecule contains hydrogen, oxygen, and sulfur. We can look at the periodic table to find the chemical symbol of each of these elements. The question tells us that a molecule of sulfuric acid contains two hydrogen atoms, four oxygen atoms, and a central sulfur atom.

We now have all of the information we need to write the chemical formula. The molecule contains two atoms of hydrogen. So, we write the chemical symbol of hydrogen followed by a subscript two. The molecule contains one atom of sulfur. So, we write the chemical symbol of sulfur followed by the subscript one. However, subscript values of one are typically not written. So, we can remove this subscript. Finally, the molecule contains four atoms of oxygen. So, we write the chemical symbol of oxygen followed by a subscript four.

We now know that the chemical formula of sulfuric acid is H2SO4.

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