Lesson Video: Reading Picture Graphs | Nagwa Lesson Video: Reading Picture Graphs | Nagwa

Lesson Video: Reading Picture Graphs Mathematics • 1st Grade

In this video, we will learn how to read picture graphs, where each picture represents a count of one, to find how many items are in a category and which category has the most or least items.


Video Transcript

Picture Graphs

In this video, we will learn how to read picture graphs to find how many items are in a category or group. And we will learn how to find out which category or group has the most or least items.

This is a picture graph, at sometimes called a pictogram. A picture graph or a pictogram shows us information using pictures. In this picture graph, the pictures we’re shown are stick people. Each stick person represents one person. We count one for each stick person. The picture graph is showing us the games that children like to play in the playground. Some children like to play with the skipping rope, and other children like to play with the ball. We call these the categories in the picture graph. Rope is a category and ball is a category.

How many children are playing with the skipping rope? If each stick person represents one person, we just need to count the number of stick people. In other words, we need to count the number of pictures in this category. One, two, three, four. There are four pictures in the rope category. Four children are playing with the skipping rope. How many children are playing with the ball? Can you count the pictures? There are two. We know that four is more than two. So, we can say that playing with the skipping rope is more popular than playing with the ball. More children like playing skipping rope than playing ball.

So, we’ve learned that a picture graph or a pictogram uses pictures to show information. Let’s try some questions now to help us practice reading information in picture graphs or pictograms.

Benjamin made a picture graph to show how many children came to the after-school club. The number of boys is more than, less than, or the same as the number of girls.

We have to complete this sentence. We need to use the information shown in the picture graph to work out if the number of boys is more, less, or the same as the number of girls. The picture graph shows us how many children are in the after-school club. It has two categories, boys and girls. And we’re told that each picture of a smiley face stands for one child. How many smiley-face pictures are there in the boys’ category? One, two, three, four. Now, we know there are four boys in the after-school club, and there are one, two, three, four girls in the after-school club. The number of boys is the same as the number of girls, four boys and four girls.

We read the information in the picture graph. We compared the number of boys and the number of girls. And we found that the number of boys is the same as the number of girls.

Mason asked his class to choose what they usually ate for breakfast. What do most students eat for breakfast? Fruit, toast, or eggs. How many students eat fruit? How many more students eat toast than fruit?

We know that Mason has asked his class what they eat for breakfast: fruit, eggs, or toast. We’re told that each picture of a pink circle stands for one student. We have to answer three different questions about the information in the picture graph. The first question is asking us, “What do most students eat for breakfast? Fruit, toast, or eggs.”

To find out which category or which type of breakfast is the most popular, we’re looking for the category with the most pictures of pink circles. Which category is it? It’s eggs. We can see without counting that there are more pictures of pink circles next to eggs than there are next to fruit or toast. This means that eggs are the most popular type of breakfast. Most students eat eggs for breakfast.

The next question is asking us how many students eat fruit for breakfast. Remember, each picture of a pink circle stands for one student. There are two pink circles in the fruit category, which stands for two students.

The last question asks us how many more students eat toast than fruit. We need to compare the fruit and toast categories. Two children like fruit and four like toast. Four is two more than two. There are two more circles in the toast category than there are in the fruit category. Two more students eat toast than fruit.

The table shows the number of points obtained by three students in a test. What is the least number of points obtained in the test?

In this question, we’re shown a picture graph. The picture graph shows the number of points three different students got in a test. The students are Madison, Chloe, and Liam. And we’re told that each star represents one point. The question is asking us to work out the least number of points obtained or scored in the test. Let’s count the number of points that Madison scored. Each star represents one point. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. Madison scored nine points.

How many points did Chloe score? One, two, three, four, five. And how many points did Liam score? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. So, which was the least number of points scored? Nine, five, or seven. Madison has nine stars, so she scored the most points. And Chloe scored the least. Five points is less than seven points. It’s also less than nine points. The least number of points obtained in the test is five.

What have we learned in this video? We’ve learned how to read information in picture graphs. We’ve also learned how to find the category with the most or least items.

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