Video: Explaining Worksheet Reports | Nagwa Video: Explaining Worksheet Reports | Nagwa

Video: Explaining Worksheet Reports

In this video, we will show you how to use the worksheet report.


Video Transcript

In this video, we will show you how to use the worksheet report.

Firstly, this is a report for educators or admins, so to access the report you must be signed in to or

When you first sign in, you will see the “Analytics” page of the portal, but if you are elsewhere in the portal, click on “Analytics” in the toolbar.

Scroll to the bottom of the page and you’ll see three different report types: assessments, worksheets, and sessions. We are going to look at the report titled “Worksheet Reports”, so click on this.

This report can be used to see an overview of all of the worksheets that the students have practiced on your portal for your associated subjects.

This report consists of five columns. The first column is the title of the worksheet.

The table also shows you how many students have decided to practice the worksheet, how many questions exist in the worksheet, and the average score of all of the students who practiced.

Note that the average score is calculated by dividing the average total number of correct answers by the total number of questions in the worksheet. This means that if some students only attempt one question in the worksheet, the average score may not be a truly representative number!

In order to get a more accurate understanding, you can click the “View Reports” button on the right of each row. Let’s do this for the worksheet Counting Principles: Addition Rule.

From this page, we can take a closer look at the performance of each student who practiced the worksheet.

Each row shows the results for one of our students, including the number of correct answers, the number of incorrect answers, and the number of questions the student chose to skip.

Note that skipped questions are not the same as unanswered questions. In the case of a skipped question, the student has been presented with the question but pressed the “Skip” button instead of answering. In the case of an unanswered question, the student may have simply ended the worksheet practice before seeing the final few questions.

This reporting page also shows you a percentage score for each student. This score is calculated by considering the number of correct questions and the total number of questions in the worksheet, even if those questions are unanswered.

You can gain even more insight into your students’ individual performance by clicking the “View Report” button in each row.

For example, (Hasan Hadid) has quite a few incorrect questions, and we might want to see the given answers.

The individual student page shows us a breakdown of each student’s performance in the worksheet. You’ll see the student’s name and a breakdown of their performance at the top of the page.

Note that skipped questions and unseen questions are grouped together as unanswered here.

The section below the breakdown shows a list of all the questions in the worksheet and the answers the student provided. If they answered a question correctly, their answer will be highlighted in green. If they answered incorrectly, their answer will be highlighted in red and the correct answer will be highlighted in light green.

Looking through this data can be useful to identify if an individual student needs extra help and which areas they need to improve.

Let’s return back to the main report.

In summary, the Worksheet Reports give you a quick overview of all of the worksheets your students are practicing. If you choose, you can zoom in to see the performance of individual students. This can be useful to help identify the areas that your students need the most help with and to target the next worksheet practice you set.

As a final note, remember that the worksheet titles in the first column of the table match the title of the lesson that each worksheet belongs to.

If you want to see the lesson, you can paste this title into the search bar in the top-right corner of the screen by using the magnifying glass. This allows you to see the supporting material your students have access to when practicing a particular worksheet.

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