Question Video: Comparing the Phases of Light Waves Used in Recording a Holographic Image | Nagwa Question Video: Comparing the Phases of Light Waves Used in Recording a Holographic Image | Nagwa

Question Video: Comparing the Phases of Light Waves Used in Recording a Holographic Image Physics • Third Year of Secondary School

The diagram shows some apparatus used in holography, including a cylindrical object. Which of the following is true of the phase difference between light waves that travel the path ABC and those that travel the path ABD? [A] There is a nonzero phase difference between the waves. [B] The phase difference is zero. Which of The following is true of the phase difference 𝜙 between light waves that travel the path A𝑏𝑐C and those that travel the path A𝑏𝑑D? [A] 0 ≤ 𝜙 ≤ 2𝜋 [B] 0 < 𝜙 < 2𝜋


Video Transcript

The diagram shows some apparatus used in holography, including a cylindrical object. Which of the following is true of the phase difference between light waves that travel the path 𝐴 capital 𝐵 capital 𝐶 and those that travel the path 𝐴 capital 𝐵 capital 𝐷? (A) There is a nonzero phase difference between the waves. (B) The phase difference is zero.

Let’s start off by identifying these two paths 𝐴 capital 𝐵 capital 𝐶 and 𝐴 capital 𝐵 capital 𝐷 on our diagram. We see there that light from a laser is incident on this component. We see that some of the light passes straight through this component, while other light is reflected. This reflection happens at the point labeled 𝐴. And that beam then travels down to the point labeled capital 𝐵. Here, the light bounces off a mirror and then passes to a prism, which spreads out this narrow beam of light. The very top of this now spread-out beam of light goes to point capital 𝐶, while the very bottom part goes to point capital 𝐷.

Between the prism then, this component, which, as we said, spreads out an incoming beam of light, and the final component in our diagram where all the light ends up, the path of the light to point capital 𝐶 is what we can call the top of our newly expanded beam. While the path of light to point capital 𝐷 is the bottom of that expanded beam.

Our question asks us about a phase difference between the light waves that travel these two different paths. Because the waves that follow path 𝐴 capital 𝐵 capital 𝐶 and those that follow the path 𝐴 capital 𝐵 capital 𝐷 come from the same laser source, that tells us that the only way there can be a phase difference between the light waves that follow these paths is if there is a path length difference between them. In other words, if the length of path 𝐴 capital 𝐵 capital 𝐶 is equal to the length of path 𝐴 capital 𝐵 capital 𝐷, then there will be no phase difference between these light waves.

We can see that from point 𝐴 to point capital 𝐵 up to the prism, these two paths overlap. We can then notice that the distance from the prism to point capital 𝐶 is the same as the distance from the prism to point capital 𝐷. Therefore, the total path length of path 𝐴 capital 𝐵 capital 𝐶 is equal to the path length of 𝐴 capital 𝐵 capital 𝐷. Since the waves that follow these two paths started out in phase with one another, that is, with the phase difference of zero, that phase difference is maintained over these two equal path lengths, up until the waves reach this final component in the diagram. We can conclude then that the phase difference between the light waves that travel these two paths is zero. We choose option (B).

Let’s look now at part two of this question.

Which of The following is true of the phase difference 𝜙 between light waves that travel the path 𝐴 lowercase 𝑏 lowercase 𝑐 uppercase 𝐶 and those that travel the path 𝐴 lowercase 𝑏 lowercase 𝑑 uppercase 𝐷? (A) Zero is less than or equal to 𝜙, which is less than or equal to two 𝜋. (B) Zero is less than 𝜙, which is less than two 𝜋.

We see that the only difference between our answer options is that option (A) says 𝜙 could be equal to zero or equal to two 𝜋, while option (B) says it must be greater than zero and less than two 𝜋. Let’s consider our diagram and the two paths indicated. First, we have a path that goes from 𝐴 to lowercase 𝑏 to the point lowercase 𝑐 and then to uppercase 𝐶; that’s one pathway. While the second path also goes from 𝐴 to lowercase 𝑏. But from there, when the light on this path reaches the prism, it instead goes to point lowercase 𝑑 and then from lowercase 𝑑 to uppercase 𝐷.

Our question asks about a phase difference called 𝜙 between the light waves that travel these two paths. Since the light waves start from the same coherent source, a laser here, we know that initially they have a phase difference of zero. Therefore, the only way that these light waves could have a nonzero phase difference once they reach this final component on our diagram is if there is a difference between the length of these two paths indicated, 𝐴 lowercase 𝑏 lowercase 𝑐 capital 𝐶 and 𝐴 lowercase 𝑏 lowercase 𝑑 capital 𝐷.

Beginning at point 𝐴, we can see that these two pathways are identical; they overlap up until the point where they reach this prism. The prism then spreads out the incoming beam of light so that some of that light goes to point lowercase 𝑐 and some of that light follows a path to point lowercase 𝑑. Judging by eye, we can say that this path length here, to point lowercase 𝑐, is shorter than this path length here to lowercase 𝑑.

And then even more so, the distance between point lowercase 𝑐 to point uppercase 𝐶, here, is smaller than the distance between point lowercase 𝑑 to uppercase 𝐷 here. All this tells us that the paths our light waves follow are not the same length in this case. Rather, the length of the path 𝐴 lowercase 𝑏 lowercase 𝑑 uppercase 𝐷 is greater by some amount we don’t know than the length of the path 𝐴 lowercase 𝑏 lowercase 𝑐 uppercase 𝐶.

The fact that we don’t know by how much this one path is longer than the other is important. Consider two waves of light that are emitted by our coherent laser source. These waves are in phase; they have a phase difference of zero. And let’s say that this wave on top follows our first path, 𝐴 lowercase 𝑏 lowercase 𝑐 uppercase 𝐶, and the wave on bottom follows the second path. If we try to imagine the phase relationship between these two waves once they reached the final component of our diagram, we actually have trouble doing this because we don’t know how much farther this second wave traveled than the first one.

Let’s imagine that the path length difference between these two paths is some multiple of two 𝜋. In that case, when the two waves do reach that final component, they’ll be in phase. On the other hand, if the difference between the two path lengths is some odd multiple of 𝜋, then on reaching that final component in the diagram, waves from the two paths will be 180 degrees out of phase.

And note that we’re only able to draw the phase relationship between these two waves at our final component in the circuit as we guess different path length differences between the two paths. That path length difference, we know, is called 𝜙. And really, 𝜙 could be anything, from zero up to and including two 𝜋 radians. That is, the actual phase relationship, and therefore the phase difference between these two waves, depends on the path length difference between our two paths identified.

Considering our two answer options then, we can’t say for certain that 𝜙 will be greater than zero. Likewise, we can’t be certain that it will be less than two 𝜋. Note by the way that because of the cyclical nature of waves, a phase difference of zero is equivalent to a phase difference of two 𝜋. So really 𝜙 could be equal to zero, or it could be equal to two 𝜋 or any value in between. We know then which answer we will choose. The phase difference 𝜙 between light waves that travel the two paths indicated will be greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to two 𝜋. We choose option (A).

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