Lesson Video: Measuring Masses | Nagwa Lesson Video: Measuring Masses | Nagwa

Lesson Video: Measuring Masses Physics

In this lesson, we will learn how to correctly use digital weighing scales to measure the mass of liquids and solids.


Video Transcript

In this video, we’re talking about measuring masses. We will learn what the mass of an object represents and how it’s related to, but different from, an object’s weight. We’ll also learn practically how to go about measuring an object’s mass. To get started, let’s think about what it means that an object has mass. All massive objects have this in common that they’re made up of matter, that is, that they’re made up of material stuff. On a very small scale, we could think of matter as protons, neutrons, and electrons. So anyway, the mass that an object has tells us just how much matter it possesses. The more matter, the greater the mass. And the less matter, the less mass an object has.

Now, one interesting thing about the mass of an object is we can see, based on this definition, that it has nothing to do with anything going on around the object we’re considering. The only thing that determines the mass of an object is how much matter it possesses. Now, we bring this up because in our everyday life, we may be less familiar with the mass of the objects around us than we are with what’s called their weight. We can say that weight comes from taking an object that has mass and putting it in a gravitational field. Any time a massive of object is on the surface of the Earth, it experiences Earth’s gravitational field. And therefore, it has weight.

There’s even a mathematical relationship between an object’s weight and its mass that we can write down. If we assume that we are talking about an object near or on Earth surface, then that means the gravitational acceleration that object experiences will be equal to what we call lowercase 𝑔. 𝑔 represents a particular acceleration 9.8 metres per second squared. Now, this acceleration is due to the gravitational force of the Earth on objects near its surface. And it’s this acceleration that connects an object’s mass with its weight on Earth. We can write it this way. We can say that near Earth surface, the weight of an object 𝑊 is equal to its mass 𝑚 multiplied by the acceleration due to gravity 𝑔.

Now, let’s notice two things about this relationship. First off, if we want to know the mass of an object, say we want to measure that object’s mass, then we could figure it out by measuring the weight of the object and combining that with our knowledge of the acceleration due to gravity. Mathematically, if we divide both sides of this equation by the acceleration due to gravity 𝑔, then we end up with this relationship, which shows us that if we know an object’s weight as well as 𝑔, then we know its mass. So that’s a way we can go about measuring an object’s mass by measuring its weight and knowing 𝑔.

A second thing to notice about this equation is that it depends on the strength of the gravitational field our mass 𝑚 is in. So long as our object is on or near the surface of the Earth, we can use 9.8 metres per second squared for that acceleration. But what if we were talking about an object somewhere else? For example, what if our object wasn’t on the Earth, but it was on the Moon? In that case, the acceleration due to gravity is much smaller because the Moon’s gravitational field is weaker than that of the Earth. And therefore, going back to our equation, the weight of our object, 𝑊, would be less. But — and this is a vital point to realise — the mass of the object 𝑚 would remain unchanged.

We can put that in words this way. We can say that an object’s weight depends on the strength of gravity that acts on it. On the other hand, its mass is always the same. This is one of the most important differences between mass and weight. And it also helps show why it is that measuring an object’s mass is so useful. Once we knew its mass, we knew something that can never change. It will always be the same regardless of how strong the gravitational field that object is in. Knowing a bit about mass as well as weight, let’s now look at how we measure these quantities.

Two of the most common instruments we’ll encounter for measuring mass and weight are a digital scale and what’s called a Newton metre. A Newton metre measures object weight in units of newtons and in its name the word metre, rather than indicating a distance, tells us that this is a device that helps us measure newtons, that is, object weight in the SI system. We may encounter a Newton metre scale in the produce section of a grocery store. This device is used to indicate the weight of produce we might be buying, either in units of newtons or sometimes in units of pounds. So a Newton metre is a device for telling us how much some collection of objects weighs. But if we want to measure an object’s mass, typically we will do that using a digital scale.

Now, let’s say we have some amount of liquid. And we’d like to measure its mass using a digital scale. The first thing we may realise is that while the liquid needs to be in some container while it’s on the scale, we don’t want to know the mass of the container, just the mass of the liquid. What we could do then is take an empty container being enough to hold our amount of liquid and put that on the scale by itself. Now, if we do this, the digital readout on the scale will start to display the mass of our container. But as we saw, it’s not this mass we want to know, but rather the mass of the liquid that’s going to go in it. To deal with situations like this, most digital scales have a button with a word like tare or zero printed on it. When this button is pressed, whatever the mass the scale was displaying earlier, now it goes to zero.

By taking this step, we say that we’re zeroing the scale. Now, this is great because it means that if we pour our liquid into this empty container, the mass displayed on the scale will only indicate the mass of the liquid. So if we go ahead and pour our liquid in, then as the fluid settles into its container and stabilises, we will notice the mass read out on our scale fluctuating. Eventually, though, it too will settle on a stable value. And because we’ve zeroed out the scale, the mass it reads out tells us the mass just of the liquid and not of the container the liquid is in. Digital scales can be very sensitive, that is, very precisely tuned measurement devices. Because of that, when we measure the mass of objects on these scales, we will want to be careful not to disrupt the accuracy of that reading in anyway.

Here are some steps we can take for getting accurate digital mass measurements. First, we will always want to zero the scale before we add the mass of interest to it. In our example here, the mass of interest was our liquid, but not the container it was in. Then, once we’ve added the mass we want to measure, we will want to wait until that measured value reaches a steady value, that is, until the mass read out by the scale stabilises to some constant value. Next, we’ll want to make sure to avoid contact with the mass or with the scale during the measurement. And we also want to make sure that the mass is being fully supported by the scale. That is, rather than the mass being partly supported by the scale and partly supported by something else, we want 100 percent of its weight to be acting on the scale.

Now, if we follow these three steps, then the value that is read out by our scale will be an accurate indication of the mass of interest. There’s still one more thing we need to be careful about, though, and that is correctly interpreting the units that the scale reads out. Some scales may indicate a mass in grams. Others may indicate a mass in milligrams or still others in kilograms. And many digital scales can output all of these units depending on the settings we choose. So we need to be careful not just to read out the number that is displayed, but the unit as well. Following these steps, when we make mass measurements on a digital scale, we will help to ensure the accuracy of those measurements. Knowing all this about measuring masses, let’s take a moment now to work on an example exercise.

David uses a digital weighing scale to measure the mass of a steel cube. He zeros the scale, places the cube on the scale, and pushes down on it, as shown in the diagram. He determines that the mass of the cube is 1.560 kilograms. Which of the following statements explains why this answer is incorrect?

Okay, before we get to these statements, let’s consider the diagram shown here. We see the metal cube whose mass is being measured. And we also see the digital scale that this mass is on. We’re told that to measure this mass, David — and this is David’s hand — first zeroed the scale by pressing this zero button, then placed the cube on the scale, and is now pushing down on the cube, as we can see. With all this going on, the scale reads out a value of 1.560 kilograms. And this, David determines, is the mass of the cube. Let’s now look at some statements, which may help explain why this answer is incorrect.

There are four statements in total A, B, C, and D, but we’re only showing three of them here A, B, and C. And we’ll add in the fourth one when we have space on screen. So before we show that final option, option D, let’s consider these three. Now, all of these are possible explanations for why it is that the reading of our scale 1.560 kilograms is not an accurate indication of the mass of this cube. Option A says that the reason it’s incorrect to conclude that the cube’s mass is 1.560 kilograms is because the scale was not zeroed before the steel cube was placed on it. The actual mass of the cube, option A claims, is greater than 1.560 kilograms.

Now, if we recall the process that David followed in making this measurement, we can remember that he did indeed zero the scale before he put the steel cube on it. So even if this second part of statement A is correct and we haven’t evaluated whether it is or it isn’t, we know the first part about the scale not being zeroed is incorrect. Therefore, statement A cannot be a correct explanation of why this reading of 1.560 kilograms does not indicate the true mass of this cube. And looking ahead to option B, we can see that we’ll have this same reason for eliminating this choice. Option B also claims that the scale was not zeroed before the cube was placed on it, but we know that it was. So our first two options are off the table.

Going on to option C, this says that as he, that is, David, is pushing down on the block, the downward force on the scale is greater. Therefore, the scale is going to measure the mass as being higher than it actually is. Now, let’s think about this. If we consider just the steel cube itself, we know that this object experiences a gravitational force on it. This force gives rise to what’s called the weight force of the cube. And it’s this weight that is experienced by the scale and then converted to a mass and read out on the display. That’s exactly how we want this measurement to work.

But in this case, we have David also pushing down on the block with some amount of force. This means that the net downward force experienced by the scale will be greater than the force created by the weight of our cube. It will be equal to that force plus the downward force of David’s hand on the cube. In other words, the scale is experiencing a force greater than the force that would be created just by the mass of the steel cube itself. And therefore, the reading on the scale will be higher than the mass of the steel cube actually is. That’s because this reading is indicating the mass of the cube plus the effective mass that’s simulated by the downward force that David’s hand is exerting.

So let’s check all this against the description offered in option C. This description says that David is pushing down on the block — that’s correct — and that the downward force on the scale is, therefore, greater. We saw that that’s also correct. Therefore, this option claims the scale is going to measure the mass as being higher than it actually is. And as we saw, that’s true as well. So option C is looking like a good explanation for why 1.560 kilograms is not an accurate indication of the mass of our cube. But to check that it’s the best description of why this is, let’s consider the last option that we haven’t seen yet, option D.

This option says, as he is pushing down on the block, that is, David, the downward force on the scale is greater. Therefore, the scale is going to measure the mass as being lower than it actually is. Now, this statement in answer choice D is very similar to the statement in answer choice C. Both say that the downward force on the scale will be greater thanks to David’s hand pushing down on the block. And both say this will lead to the scale, giving a measurement that does not match the mass of the steel cube. In option D, though, the claim is that the indicated mass on the scale will be lower than the actual mass of the steel cube. In option C, we saw that the indicated mass on the scale was higher than the actual mass of the cube.

Now, because the force created by David’s hand is working in the same direction as the weight force of the cube on the scale, that means these forces will add together, they’ll have a compounding effect, and so that, indeed, the scale will read out a value, which is artificially high. That is, it’s higher than the actual mass of the cube. Because option D says that the scale will read out the value that’s lower than the actual cube mass, this is where we can’t agree with this answer option. So then our final answer is that the reason 1.560 kilograms is not an accurate indication of the mass of a steel cube is because, as David is pushing down on the block, the downward force on the scale is greater. Therefore, the scale is going to measure the mass as being higher than it actually is.

Let’s now summarise what we’ve learned about measuring masses. As we thought about object mass, we saw that the mass of an object tells us how much matter that is material stuff the object is made of. Then we saw that when objects with mass are in a gravitational field, they have what’s called weight. And as far as the relationship between mass and weight, if an object experiences an acceleration due to gravity that we call lowercase 𝑔, then its weight is equal to the mass of the object times 𝑔. This showed us that object weight depends on the gravitational field the object is in, while object mass is always a constant. Object weight and mass can be measured using various tools. A Newton metre can be used to measure an object’s weight, and a digital scale can be used to measure its mass.

And lastly, we learned a process when making mass measurements using a digital scale to ensure accurate readings. First, before putting on the mass to be measured, we’re to zero the scale. Then once the mass is on the scale, we’re to wait until the scale indicates a stable or a steady mass value. Also during the measurement, we’re to avoid contact with the mass being measured or the scale doing the measuring. And lastly, when reading off the measured mass value, we’re to take care to keep track of scale units, whether they be milligrams, grams, kilograms, or some other mass unit.

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