Lesson Video: Nonstandard Units of Mass | Nagwa Lesson Video: Nonstandard Units of Mass | Nagwa

Lesson Video: Nonstandard Units of Mass Mathematics • Kindergarten

In this video, we will learn how to use scales to measure weight with nonstandard units and to use our measurements to compare the weights of objects.


Video Transcript

Nonstandard Units of Mass

In this video, we will learn how to measure weight using nonstandard units. To measure an object’s mass or weight, we use measuring scales. These are a special type of scale called balancing scales. These scales are being used to measure a toy car. The toy car weighs three cubes. We know this because three cubes have been placed on the scales to balance them. If we take the three bricks away, the scales will no longer be balanced. So, the toy car weighs three blocks.

We could weigh the toy car using a different unit of measurement. We could balance the scales using a book. So, we could also say that the car weighs the same as one book. Let’s try some practice questions.

Choose the balanced weights from the following figures.

We’re shown two different sets of scales. We’re being asked to choose the set which are balanced. We can work out the answer in two ways. We can tell just by looking at these scales that they’re balanced. And we can check by counting the number of blocks on each side of the scales. Each side of the scales have three blocks. So, each side of the scale has an equal number of blocks. This is why the scales are balanced. Three blocks weigh the same as three blocks. The weight on each side of the scales is equal. So, these are the balanced weights.

On the first set of scales, we can see that this side is the heaviest. Three blocks weigh more than two blocks. To make these scales balanced, we would have to add one more block to this side of the scales.

Measure the mass of the toy truck. The mass of the toy truck is nine blocks. The mass of the toy truck is six blocks.

In this question, we’re being asked to find the mass of the toy truck. We’ve been given two possible answers; does the truck weigh nine blocks or six? To answer this question, we need to count how many blocks were used to balance the scales. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. The mass of the toy truck is nine blocks.

Fill in the blank. The mass of the ball equals what pencils.

In this question, we need to work out how many pencils were used to balance the scales. How many pencils can you count? There are six. The mass of the ball equals six pencils.

What have we learned in this video? We’ve learned how to measure mass or weight using nonstandard units such as blocks or pencils.

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