Video Transcript
In this video, we’re going to look
at how to count on a number line to help us to add numbers together.
First, let’s add six and three.
Look at this addition sentence. Remember that this is the addition
symbol. It tells us to add two numbers. So, we have to add six and
three. And remember that this symbol means
equal. The number in the green box will be
equal to six add three. Now, let’s use the number line to
find our sum.
First, we start with six. So, let’s find six on the number
line and put a counter on it. Now, that the counter is on six, we
have to add three. Let’s jump three times. We can imagine a frog picking up
the counter and helping us to make our three jumps, one, two, three.
So, from six, we took one, two,
three jumps. So, we started on six, we took
three jumps, and we landed on nine. So, the sum of six and three is
nine. Now, our addition sentence says six
add three is equal to nine. And now, you know how to add using
a number line. Let’s try one more question.
What is seven plus four?
Remember that plus is another word
for add. So, we’ve got to add seven and
four. Let’s write these numbers in our
addition sentence. Seven plus four equals what? We’ve got to find the total. To add seven and four, first we
have to find seven on the number line. And we put our counter on the
number seven.
Now, we have to add four. That means we have to make four
jumps on the number line. And this time that frog isn’t going
to help us, one, two, three, four. So, we started at seven, we added
four, and we ended up at eleven. This means that eleven is equal to
seven plus four.
Okay, let’s just go through the
steps that we need when using a number line to add.
First, find one of the numbers on
the number line. Second, jump the other number of
steps to count on, one, two, three, four, five. And thirdly, the number that you
land on is the sum. And in this case, that was
All you have to do now is find a
friendly frog to help you jump along the number line to add your numbers
together. Good luck!