Lesson Video: Polymerization | Nagwa Lesson Video: Polymerization | Nagwa

Lesson Video: Polymerization Chemistry

In this video, we will learn how to describe the formation of different types of polymers and list common examples and uses.


Video Transcript

In this video, we will learn how to describe the formation of different types of polymers and list common examples and uses.

A polymer is a large molecule made of many repeating subunits. The poly- in polymer means many, like a polygon with many sides. The -mer in polymer means parts, so a polymer is a molecule with many parts that fit together like links in a chain. We call the repeated subunits of the polymer or, in other words, the individual links that make up the chain monomers. In the simplified example we’ve drawn here, the orange circles that make up the chain are its monomers. And we can refer to them as monomers whether they are a part of the chain or separate from it. When we build a polymer, we add monomers to the end of the chain, making it longer. It’s worth noting that polymers can have many different lengths. They can be 10 units long, 1000 units long, or even 1000000 units long.

Later in the video, we’ll learn more about the precise chemical structure of these building blocks. For now, let’s take a look at the different kinds of polymer that can form. The main way to categorize polymers splits them into two broad groups. For some polymers, no by-product is made during their formation, like in the upper example drawn here. For other polymers, their formation does create a by-product, like in the lower example. When no by-product forms, we call that an addition polymer because the monomers can simply be added together to create the polymer. An addition polymer typically forms when the internal bonds of the monomer can rearrange to form new bonds to create the polymer. For example, a double bond in a polymer might shift to form a single bond in the polymer plus a single bond to the next monomer in the chain.

When a by-product does form in the creation of a polymer, we call that polymer a condensation polymer. Water is a common by-product of these reactions. It should be noted that since the by-product is not a part of the polymer that forms, that polymer has a lower mass than the combined mass of the starting monomers. However, since the formation of an addition polymer only involves rearranging bonds, the resulting polymer has the same mass as the combined mass of its starting polymers. Before we dive deeper into these processes, let’s take a closer look at how we name and draw polymers.

The compound drawn here is called tetrafluoroethene. It can exist as a standalone molecule. It can also exist as the monomer that makes up a polymer. The polymer is drawn like this with a monomer unit in brackets or sometimes parentheses, followed by the letter 𝑛. This letter 𝑛 represents the number of repeated units in the polymer chain, which is often a large number. To form this particular polymer out of this monomer, the double bond between the carbon atoms breaks to form the new bond to the next monomer unit in the chain. The drawing of the polymer shows that new bond that continues the chain. It also shows that the double bond has been replaced by a single bond connecting the two carbon atoms. We can also see the bond that connects this monomer unit to the previous monomer unit in the chain.

To name this polymer, we simply combine the prefix poly- with the name of the monomer. In this case, that makes poly(tetrafluoroethene). As we’ve written it here, the name of the monomer is in parentheses, although you may see it written without these parentheses as well. Of course, in chemistry, a compound will often have multiple names. Ethene and ethylene are two different names for the same compound, so we can also call this polymer poly(tetrafluoroethylene). This name can be a mouthful, so it’s frequently shortened to a four-letter abbreviation PTFE. We can also use the more precise IUPAC name for this compound, poly(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethylene). The 1,1,2,2 refers to the fact that there are two fluorine atoms on the first carbon and two more fluorine atoms on the second carbon.

When a compound is used in a commercial product, it’s usually given a catchier, easier-to-remember name. The commercial name for poly(tetrafluoroethene) is Teflon, the nonstick coating that appears on many pots and pans. Let’s take a closer look at how this polymer is formed. We start with a monomer. For the formation of an addition polymer, we need an unsaturated bond. As we will see in a moment, the extra electrons in this bond are key to the formation of the polymer. If we get multiple monomers together, no reaction will occur spontaneously. However, if we add a catalyst, heat, and pressure, changes start to emerge.

The double bond between the monomer’s two carbon atoms represents four shared electrons. When we add a catalyst, heat, and pressure in this scenario, two of the electrons remain as a single bond between the two carbon atoms. Meanwhile, each of the carbon atoms takes back one of the electrons to form a new bond somewhere else. This same shift happens in other monomers as they get added to the chain. These electrons end up being shared between carbon atoms of adjacent monomers. Those electrons form a single bond that connects the monomers together in the chain.

This process gets repeated over and over again, adding even more links to the chain. At some point, the polymer will have to end. But what happens when that carbon atom can no longer form a new bond with the next monomer in the chain? The precise answer is beyond the scope of this video, but as a simplified answer, we can say that there is some form of chemical cap that bonds to the carbon atom, adding stability to the end of the polymer.

For now, let’s just focus on the middle of the chain. It’s worth noting that as these new bonds form, the atoms involved don’t stay in one place; they twist and shift. So, this chain of four connected carbon atoms with eight attached fluorine atoms might more commonly be drawn like this. And since we typically show just one monomer unit of the polymer repeated, we can condense it down even further to look like this. This final form with the monomer unit in brackets followed by the letter 𝑛 is how we typically notate a polymer.

A variety of monomers can combine to form addition polymers with a wide range of everyday uses. The monomer ethene can lose its double bond to form a polymer called poly(ethene). Poly(ethene) is a plastic used to make bags, bottles, and gloves. Another addition polymer is poly(propene). Poly(propene) can be used to make food containers, packaging, and toys as well as a synthetic fabric. The technical name for this third polymer is poly(chloroethene). However, it’s more commonly referred to as polyvinyl chloride or an abbreviation PVC. PVC is used to make pipes, window frames, and cable insulation. The last polymer on the list, poly(tetrafluoroethene), is also known as Teflon. As we mentioned before, Teflon is used to make the nonstick coatings on many pots and pans.

Now, let’s take a look at the formation of the other kind of polymer, a condensation polymer. As a reminder, the primary difference between an addition polymer and a condensation polymer is that when we make a condensation polymer, a by-product will form. In this example, we will take a look at the combination of a dicarboxylic acid, or a molecule with two carboxyl groups, and a diol, or a molecule with two hydroxy groups. When these two molecules combine in this way, an oxygen atom and a hydrogen atom from the dicarboxylic acid and a hydrogen atom from the diol can combine to form a water molecule as a by-product.

When the atoms making up the water molecule break away from the carbon atom of the dicarboxylic acid and the oxygen atom of the diol, a new bond is formed between those two atoms connecting the previously separate monomers. A similar process can repeat to connect the end of the diol molecule to the beginning of the next dicarboxylic acid molecule. Again, a water molecule forms, creating a new bond to add the next monomer onto the chain. When we link together these monomers in this way, the polymer that emerges is called poly(ethylene terephthalate). Since the molecules in this example are a bit complicated, we don’t have to worry for now about how to precisely name them.

Right here, we can see the new bond that has formed between the end of the dicarboxylic acid and the beginning of the diol. Poly(ethylene terephthalate) is an example of a copolymer or a polymer that can be made from two or more different monomers. In this example, instead of having a single monomer to make up the repeated unit, two different monomers combine to make up the repeated unit of the polymer. If we wanted to write this process as a chemical equation, we could say that 𝑛 molecules of this dicarboxylic acid and 𝑛 molecules of this diol combine to make a poly(ethylene terephthalate) molecule with 𝑛 repeated subunits and two 𝑛 minus one molecules of water.

As we discussed before, during this process, a water molecule is created in between these two monomers, and another molecule is created when we link the diol to the beginning of the next dicarboxylic acid. At some point, the chain will need to end with a hydroxy group instead of producing another water molecule. Two water molecules per repeated unit minus one for the cap at the end explains the two 𝑛 minus one water molecules that we see written in this equation. Water is a common by-product of the formation of a condensation polymer, although other by-products are possible.

Let’s review some examples of condensation polymers. The polymer we just looked at, poly(ethylene terephthalate), is an example of a polyester. Polyesters are commonly made from the combination of a diol and a dicarboxylic acid with a by-product of water. It’s used in packaging and fabrics. You may be familiar with the fabric nylon. There are many different types of nylon, each of which falls under the category polyamide.

A diamine plus a dicarboxylic acid is one way to make a nylon, although a variety of combinations exist. The by-product is water. Nylons are primarily used in clothing. The proteins that carry out the functions of living cells and organisms are polymers that are made up of amino acid monomers. We sometimes refer to proteins as polypeptides. Once again, the by-product is water. Biological functions such as breathing, digesting, and fighting illness are all carried out on the smallest scale by proteins.

Another biological polymer is DNA, which we can say is a polynucleotide. DNA is a polymer chain of nucleic acid monomers. As nucleic acids get added to the chain, the chemical pyrophosphate is released as a by-product. The genetic information that gets passed down from organism to organism is stored as a polymer of nucleic acids. Now that we’ve learned about polymers, let’s do a practice problem to review.

Consider the following polymer. Which of the following halogenated hydrocarbons can be used to make it?

This is a question about polymers. Specifically, it’s about making polymers. Which of the five answer choices is the repeated subunit or monomer that makes up the polymer? A first question we can ask is, is this polymer an addition polymer or a condensation polymer? The key difference between an addition polymer and a condensation polymer is that when we make an addition polymer, no by-product forms. But when we make a condensation polymer, a by-product will form. Often, that by-product is water.

If we look at the answer choices, several key features stick out. First, there is a lack of a hydroxy group in any of the answer choices. No hydroxy group means no water molecule can form as a by-product, suggesting that it is not a condensation polymer. And while another by-product is technically possible, the presence of double bonds in several of the answer choices suggests that it is an addition polymer.

As we will see in a moment, the extra electrons of the double bond allow for the formation of new bonds that make a polymer without a by-product. To put it simply, addition polymers are made of monomers with unsaturated bonds. Usually, that means a double bond, although it could mean a triple bond. So, we can eliminate choice (A) and choice (E) from consideration as they contain only saturated single bonds. Let’s erase choice (E) to give ourselves more room to work with. The remaining answer choices each have the same central structure, two carbon atoms with a double bond in between them. This structure is a common structure for the monomer of an addition polymer, as the 𝜋 bond from the double bond can break, and the electrons can be used to form a new bond to the next monomer in the chain.

The pattern can continue to link more and more monomers together. The end result is a continuous chain of carbon atoms with single bonds between them. But what about the atoms that are attached to the carbon chain? These atoms are different in each of the three answer choices remaining. Well, the attached atoms remain unchanged throughout this process. While the carbon atoms change the way they bond with one another, the attached atoms simply remain attached as the central structure changes. So, if our ending polymer has a repeated unit with three hydrogen atoms and one chlorine atom attached to the carbon chain, that means our starting polymer also had three hydrogen atoms and one chlorine atom attached to its carbon atoms.

The structure shown in choice (D) is the correct answer. It has the double bond necessary to form the spine of the addition polymer, as well as the correct attached atoms. So, which of the following halogenated hydrocarbons can be used to make this polymer? That’s choice (D).

Now that we’ve learned about polymerization, let’s review the key points of the video. Polymers are molecules made of many repeating subunits called monomers. One type of polymer, addition polymers, are formed without a by-product. Usually, the bonds of the monomer can rearrange to form the polymer. Examples of addition polymers include poly(ethene), PVC, and Teflon. The other type of polymer, condensation polymers, are produced alongside a by-product. Often, that by-product is water. Examples of condensation polymers include nylons, proteins, and DNA.

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