Lesson Video: Estimating Sums and Differences: Four-Digit Numbers | Nagwa Lesson Video: Estimating Sums and Differences: Four-Digit Numbers | Nagwa

Lesson Video: Estimating Sums and Differences: Four-Digit Numbers Mathematics • 4th Grade

In this video, we will learn how to estimate sums and differences between numbers with up to four digits by rounding to the nearest ten, hundred, and thousand.


Video Transcript

Estimating Sums and Differences: Four-Digit Numbers

In this video, we’re going to learn how to estimate sums and differences between numbers with up to four digits by rounding to the nearest ten, hundred, and thousand.

Ben and Mia are playing a computer game together. Ben’s highest score is 1,873, and Mia’s highest score is 3,025. The children want to know roughly how many points they have scored altogether. When we hear the words roughly or approximately or about, we know we don’t need to find the exact answer; we need to find the estimated answer. To help us estimate 1,873 plus 3,025, let’s round both of our four-digit numbers to the nearest thousand. In this video, we’re going to learn two different ways to round numbers, either to the nearest thousand, hundred, or ten. We’re going to use our knowledge of place value and number lines to help us round.

Let’s start with the number 1,873. We know it has one in the thousands place, worth 1,000. So this number comes between 1,000 and 2,000. Each of our divisions is worth 100. The hundreds digit in 1,873 is an eight, worth 800. So let’s start at 1,000 on our number line and count forward until we reach 1,800. 1,100, 1,200, 1,300, 1,400, 1,500, 1,600, 1,700, 1,800, and here’s 1,900. Where would we place 1,873 on the number line? Here we go, about here. The nearest thousand to 1,873 is 2,000.

Let’s round 3,025 to the nearest thousand now. The thousands digit is a three, so we know this number is between 3,000 and 4,000. And the number which is halfway between these two numbers is 3,500. The hundreds digit in this number is a zero. It has no hundreds. 3,025 would go roughly here on the number line, between 3,000 and 3,100. It’s really easy to see that 3,025 is nearest to 3,000. Ben and Mia scored roughly 5,000 points altogether.

When we’re rounding to the nearest thousand, we have to use the hundreds digit to help us. If the hundreds digit is worth a five or more, we have to round up. And if the hundreds digit is worth less than five, we have to round down. If we wanted to estimate the difference between Ben and Mia’s scores, we would round both numbers to the nearest thousand and subtract 2,000 from 3,000. The difference is 1,000.

The actual sum of Ben and Mia’s score is 4,898, and the estimated sum is 5,000, which is pretty close to 4,898. It’s a good estimate. So far in this video, we’ve learned how to round two four-digit numbers to the nearest thousand to help us estimate the sum or the difference. Let’s put into practice what we’ve learned now and have a go and answering a question where we need to round our numbers to the nearest thousand.

Which number is nearest to 4,877 plus 3,103. Is it 10,000, 7,000, 9,000, 6,000, or 8,000?

In this question, we have to say which multiple of 1,000 is nearest to the sum of our two four-digit numbers. Let’s round both of these four-digit numbers to the nearest thousand to estimate the sum. We can use a place value table to help us round. We’re rounding to the thousands place. The thousands digit in 4,877 is a four. So we know our number comes between 4,000 and 5,000. We need to look at the hundreds digit to help us decide whether to round up or down. The hundreds digit is an eight. If this digit is worth five or more, we have to round up. Eight is greater than five. So we need to round 4,877 up to 5,000.

Now we need to around 3,103 to the nearest thousand. The thousands digit is a three. So our number comes between 3,000 and 4,000. The hundreds digit is a one. And we know if this digit is less than five, we have to round down. 3,103 rounded to the nearest thousand is 3,000. Now we can estimate this sum. What is 5,000 plus 3,000? It’s 8,000.

Let’s quickly check this is a good estimate by finding the actual answer. 4,877 plus 3,103 is 7,980. Let’s round this number to its nearest thousand. The thousands digit is a seven, so we know our number is between 7- and 8,000. The hundreds digit is a nine, which is greater than five, so we have to round up. The number which is nearest to 4,877 plus 3,103 is 8,000. We rounded both of our four-digit numbers to the nearest thousand and then estimated the sum.

Earlier in this video, we learned how to round numbers to the nearest thousand to help us estimate sums and differences. And we estimated Ben and Mia’s total score to be around 5,000. What if we were to round 1,873 and 3,025 to the nearest hundred? How would that affect our estimate?

When we’re rounding to the hundreds place, we use the tens digit to help us decide whether to round up or down. And we know that if the tens digit is less than five, we have to round down. And if the tens digit is equal to or greater than five, we have to round up. The tens digit in the number 1,873 is a seven. Seven is greater than five, so we round 1,873 up to 1,900. And the tens digit in the number 3,025 is a two. Two is less than five, so we round down to 3,000. 3,000 is a multiple of 100. And our number 3,025 comes between 3,000 and 3,100. So the nearest hundred to 3,025 is also the nearest thousand.

So the actual sum of Ben and Mia’s score is 4,898. By rounding to the nearest thousand, we estimated the sum to be 5,000. And by rounding to the nearest hundred, we estimated the sum to be 4,900. Which is the closest estimate? It’s 4,900. Let’s round both of our four-digit numbers to the nearest ten.

When we round to the tens place, we have to look to the digit to the right, which is the ones digit, to help us decide whether to round up or down. 1,873 has seven 10s, so we know this number comes between 1,870 and 1,880. The ones digit is a three. Three is less than five, so we round down to 1,870. Let’s round 3,025 to the nearest ten. The tens digit is a two or 20, so we know that 3,025 is between 3,020 and 3,030. The ones digit is five, so we have to round up to 3,030. If we round both our numbers to the nearest ten and find the sum, it’s 4,900.

So we’ve learned how to round to the nearest thousand, hundred, and ten to help us estimate sums or differences. And we found the most accurate estimates by rounding to the nearest hundred or ten. Let’s practice a couple more questions now where we need to round to the nearest hundred or the nearest ten.

Estimate 3,638 take away 361, rounding each number to the hundreds place.

In this question, we have to estimate the difference by rounding each of our numbers to the hundreds place. In other words, we have to round both numbers to the nearest hundred. Let’s start by rounding 3,638. We have to round to the hundreds place. The hundreds digit in our number is a six, worth 600. So we know 3,638 is between 3,600 and 3,700. To help us decide whether to round our number down to 3,600 or up to 3,700, we have to look at the tens digit. It’s a three. We know that three is worth less than five, so we have to round down to 3,600.

Now we have to round 361 to its nearest hundred. The hundreds digit is a three. And that’s worth 300. So we know 361 is between 300 and the next hundred, which is 400. And again, we need to look at the tens digit to help us decide whether to round down to 300 or up to 400. The tens digit is a six. Six is greater than five, so we have to round up to the next hundred, which is 400. Now all we need to do is find the difference between 3,600 and 400. 3,600 subtract 400 is 3,200.

We estimated 3,638 take away 361 by rounding each number to the hundreds place. Then we calculated 3,600 take away 400 to give us our estimate of 3,200.

Estimate 2,145 plus 123 by rounding each number to the tens place.

In this question, we have to estimate the sum of our two numbers by rounding each number to the nearest ten. Let’s start by rounding 2,145 to the nearest ten. The tens digit in 2,145 is a four, worth 40. So we know 2,145 comes between 2,140 and 2,150. So to help us decide whether to round our number down to 2,140 or up to 2,150, we need to look to the ones digit. The ones digit is a five. If the ones digit is worth five or more, we have to round up to 2,150. So the nearest 10 to 2,145 is 2,150. We had to round up.

Let’s round our next number to the nearest ten. The tens digit in 123 is a two, worth two 10s. So we know the two 10s our number is between are 120 and 130. To help us decide whether to round down to 120 or up to 130, we need to look at the ones digit. We know that three is less than five, so we have to round down to 120. Now all we need to do is add together 2,150 and 120, which is 2,270. We estimated 2,145 plus 123 by rounding each number to the tens place. Our estimate is 2,270.

What have we learned in this video? We’ve learned how to estimate sums and differences between numbers with up to four digits by rounding to the nearest ten, hundred, and thousand.

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