Video Transcript
In this video, we will show you how
to create an educator account.
In order to create an educator
account, you must be a portal admin and be signed in to
Click on “Users” in the toolbar,
then click “Educators”, and finally click “+ New Educator”.
On the next page, you’ll need to
add the educator’s first name, last name, and e-mail address. For example, we could add Layla
Alexander, whose e-mail is ([email protected]).
For the next step, you’ll also need
to select the subject, or subjects, that your educator teaches. In our case, Layla Alexander
teaches Chemistry and we select this subject using the drop-down menu on the left.
Next, we can select all of the
Chemistry grades that Layla teaches by selecting them in the drop-down menu on the
If you make a mistake, you can
remove any of the grades by clicking the small cross icon next to the grade that you want
to remove. Since Layla only teaches grade 7
and grade 8, we can remove grade 9.
If your educator teaches more than
one subject, you can add multiple subjects using the plus icon on the right. Once you have clicked the plus, an
additional row should appear and you can add more details. For example, we can add that
Layla also teaches biology for grade 7.
Note that selecting the correct
subjects and grades is an important step. Later on, it will allow us to
assign Layla to a class of students that belongs to one of these grades.
You can delete an entire subject
and its grades by using the red trash can button, but you’ll need to assign at
least one subject to every educator.
To finish the process, check that
all the details are correct and click “Create”.
You’ll then see a green banner
saying “The educator account was created successfully. It might take a few minutes for the
change to take effect.”
If an error occurs, a message will
appear explaining the problem. If this happens, please follow the
guidance and click “Create” again.
The new educator will be added to
the list of all educators. To sign in, they will need to head
over to and enter the e-mail address with which they were
registered. On first sign in, the educator will
need to create and confirm a password that they will use.
As an admin, you can also manage
all of the educator accounts on your portal. If we navigate back to the list of
all educators, on the right of the screen, we can see an “Actions” column.
For each account, you have a number
of options. The first of these is the
“Edit” button. This allows you to change the name,
the subject, and the grade associated with the educator account. For example, we could add or remove
a grade.
It’s worth noting that once an
educator account is created, you cannot edit the e-mail address associated with it,
and so this box will remain fixed.
Let’s navigate back to our list of
all educators and see the second action we can take. This option is to reset the
password of an educator. To do so, we will need to click and
then confirm the password reset once the pop-up appears.
Once the password has been reset,
your educator will once again need to go to and enter the e-mail
address with which they were registered. They will then follow the same
process to create and confirm a new password.
Note that the reset password action
will only be clickable if your educator has already set a password for the
On the list of all educators, the
final action we can take is to deactivate an account. Once we have clicked and confirmed
this option, a green confirmation message should appear. This means the e-mail address and
password associated with the deactivated educator account will no longer be an
active login for your portal.
When deactivating an account, the
associated data is not lost.
Upon refreshing the page, we can
see that our account is deactivated, but we can reactivate it at any time using the
“Activate” option.
One final note: All admin accounts
are automatically assigned as an educator. Before you start teaching, don’t
forget to use the “Edit” option to add subjects and grades to your own educator