Video Transcript
In this video, we’re learning about
magnetic fields. Magnetic fields are enablers of
cool things, such as levitating objects, and also very useful things, such as very
fast magnetic trains.
To start off talking about these
fields, let’s begin with a bar magnet. This is a permanent magnet shaped
like a, you guessed it, a bar. Now let’s say we put this bar
magnet so it was sitting flat on a table top, stationary. In this situation, we certainly
can’t see any field created by this magnet. But just like electric fields need
a charged object in order to show their presence, so magnetic fields need a
magnetizable object around them in order to show that they exist.
One great example of objects which
can be magnetized are called iron filings. These are very small rod-shaped
bits of iron. If we were to pick up a small pile
of these filings, which would amount to hundreds and hundreds of them, and then drop
that pile bit by bit around the magnet on our table top, as we did that, we would
see that the filings don’t just fall in a random distribution on the table top. What we would see instead is that
the filings, these tiny little iron rods, start to organize according to a
This is an experiment you can try
out yourself. And it’s because of this, because
the filings don’t just fall down in clumps but actually arrange according to a
pattern that looks something like this, that we say that this bar magnet, this
permanent magnet, produces a magnetic field around itself. And not only does this experiment
show that some sort of field is being produced by the magnet, but it also gives a
good idea of what that field looks like.
We can see that there are lots of
iron filings bunched to the ends of the bar magnet, which seems to indicate maybe
that the field is strongest in magnitude there. And we also notice this general
pattern of arcing from one end of the magnet to the other on both sides of the
magnet. That also gives us a sense for what
the field created by this magnet looks like.
This whole idea of magnetic fields
raises a question though. Remember when we talked about
electric fields, we said that these fields are created by electric charge. So anytime you have a charge,
either positive or negative, that charge creates a field around itself. But then what would be the source
of the magnetic field? Is there such a thing as magnetic
It turns out that the physical
origin of magnetic fields is electric charge, electric charge in motion. Simply put, the way you get a
magnetic field is to take an electric charge and to move it. This idea of moving charge can
remind us of the structure of an atom, comprised of a nucleus surrounded by orbiting
electrons. These electrons are charged
particles in motion. Therefore, each one creates its own
magnetic field. And the atom overall has a combined
or effective magnetic field. It’s all the net magnetic fields
from all of the atoms in this bar magnet which combine to give it an overall
magnetic field.
To understand magnetic fields
better, it’s worth talking about the two parts — we can almost call them the two
halves — of a magnet. The part of the magnet that we’ve
colored blue we’ll refer to as the north pole. And the other half we’ll refer to
as the south pole. These names, north pole and south
pole, come from the fact that one of the earliest uses of magnets was to help people
navigate to find their way.
When magnetic materials were first
discovered, it was found that one end of the material always wanted to point towards
the north pole of the Earth. The other end pointed the opposite
way towards the south pole, hence their names, north and south pole.
Now we saw from our iron filing
experiment that more filings seem to gather at the poles than anywhere else. That’s where they clumped
together. And if you recall, we saw that the
filings organize themselves into roughly shaped arcs from one pole to the other.
Based on what we saw in that
experiment, we can draw in what are called magnetic field lines. Magnetic field lines are
representations. They’re a way we have of showing
what a magnetic field is like. We’ll find that magnetic field
lines indicate two things. They show us magnetic field
direction, which way it points, as well as its strength.
Before we draw in the field lines
on this bar magnet, notice that these two points, taken together, indicate that
magnetic fields themselves are vector quantities. And here’s how magnetic field lines
show us this. Looking at the field lines for this
bar magnet, we can notice a couple of things. First, each one of the lines has a
direction associated with it. They all have an arrowhead, which
shows which way it points. We can look at any one of these
field lines. And we see that, by their
direction, they’re pointing from the north pole of the magnet towards the south
For example, if we pick this line
right here, we can see that it seems to start at the north pole of the magnet and
then moves towards the south pole, in that direction. We can see then how these field
lines indicate magnetic field direction. But what about magnetic field
It turns out that this strength is
indicated by what we could call the magnetic field line density. Think of it this way. Say that we had a square of a set
size, this one right here. And let’s say that we could move
this square from one spot to another in this diagram. Right now, we can see that the
square has no field lines moving through it. There are zero field lines passing
through this square. But if we were to move this square
over here, say, then that would change.
Now there are two magnetic field
lines passing through the square. And then if we were to move it down
here, we see that even more field lines are passing through this space. This gets at what we mean by the
magnetic field line density, how many field lines there are in a certain volume of
space. The higher that density, the
stronger the magnetic field it indicates.
Based on that, we can say that, for
a bar magnet like the one we have here, the place of strongest magnetic field is
near the poles. That’s where the field lines are
most concentrated. And we further notice that as we
move out from the poles, the field line density gets less, indicating a weaker
Beyond this, there are a couple of
things about magnetic field lines which are not easy to see from the sketch but are
nonetheless true. First, magnetic field lines form
closed loops. In other words, a magnetic field
line would never be part of a broken loop such as this. Our diagram seems to contradict
this claim since the field lines appear to start at the north pole and end at the
south pole.
Really though, what’s going on that
we haven’t drawn here and often doesn’t get drawn in diagrams is that there’s a
portion of the magnetic field line, the loop, that travels through the magnet. If we included all these parts of
all the loops that we’ve drawn, then indeed we would see that they all do form
closed loops.
A second important fact about
magnetic field lines is that they do not cross one another. That is, we would never see a
physical situation where a magnetic field line went like this and another one went,
say, like this. The reason this can never happen is
if we did have crossing magnetic field lines, that would mean that, at the
intersection point, the magnetic field points in two different directions at the
same time. That’s not possible. And that’s why magnetic field lines
never cross. Now that we know a bit about
magnetic fields and the lines that represent them, let’s get some practice with a
couple of examples.
Which of the four diagrams
correctly shows the field lines of the magnetic field produced by two very wide flat
magnets that are placed near to each other but are aligned in opposite
directions? Red represents the north pole of
the magnets and blue the south pole.
Looking at the diagrams, we see
these four options — a), b), c), and d) — for the correct representation of the
field lines of the magnetic field between these two magnets. We may be used to seeing magnets
constructed differently than the ones in these diagrams.
We’re told they’re very wide and
flat. So whereas we might typically see a
magnet that looks like this, these magnets look like a smushed version of that, more
like this. We’re told that, with these magnets
in the diagram, the red side represents the north pole and the blue side the south
pole. We’re also told that these two
magnets are aligned in opposite directions, meaning their north poles don’t point
the same way but actually point the opposite ways. That fact of being pointed in
opposite directions lets us cancel out a few of our answer options.
For example, notice in answer
option c) that the north pole, the red part of each of the two magnets, points
upward. But since the magnets point in
opposite directions, that means this diagram doesn’t represent our scenario. Same thing with answer option b),
in this case, the north pole of each of the two magnets points up. So that’s not our answer choice
either. That leaves answer options a and d
If we look more closely at option
a, we see that, in this case, we have magnetic field lines which are directed
towards the north pole of the two magnets. We can see that from the little
arrowheads that are on the field lines, indicating that the field lines go towards
the north pole. We can recall that, in reality
though, this is opposite the direction that magnetic field lines point. Magnetic field lines always point
from the north pole of the magnet to the south pole. That’s true whether we just had one
magnet — so the field lines might look like this — or if we had multiple magnets, as
we do in this case. So that means option a isn’t our
choice either. The field lines in this case point
opposite the way they do in real life.
Taking a look at our last option,
choice d, we see that, in this case, the south pole of each magnet, indicated in
blue, has the field lines pointing toward it. That is an accurate way to
represent magnetic field lines pointing from north pole to south pole. Option d shows us two magnets
pointed in opposite directions and the field lines are drawn in correctly. So this is our choice for the
correct representation of the magnetic field created by these two magnets.
Let’s look now at a second magnetic
field example.
The diagram shows a bar magnet. The bar magnet creates a magnetic
field around it. At which point marked on the
diagram is the magnetic field strongest? At which point marked on the
diagram is the magnetic field weakest?
Taking a look at our diagram, we
see this bar magnet with north and south poles and the four points — A, B, C, and D
— marked out around it. We’re told that this bar magnet
creates a magnetic field around it. And in representing that magnetic
field using magnetic field lines, we’ll find the answer to our question of where
that field is strongest and where it’s weakest.
We can start out by sketching in
the magnetic field lines representing the field created by this magnet. We can recall that, in general,
these field lines move from the north pole of the magnet to the south pole. With these example field lines
drawn in, notice that each one has a direction associated with it and has an
arrowhead on the field line telling which way the magnetic field points.
However, it’s not the magnetic
field direction we’re interested in, but rather its strength. We want to know where the field is
strongest as well as weakest. To find this out, we can recall
that magnetic field line density, that is, how many magnetic field lines pass
through a given space, is an indication of magnetic field strength. The more field lines within a
certain fixed volume, the greater the strength of the magnetic field.
This means we can look at the field
lines we’ve drawn in on this diagram and scan for regions of high concentration as
well as low concentration. The places where field lines are
spaced more closely together, say around here, indicate a stronger magnetic
field. On the other hand, places where
there aren’t many magnetic field lines in a given space, say out here, indicate a
weaker field.
Knowing this, we want to evaluate
our four locations — A, B, C, and D — on this diagram. To start out, let’s look for the
point where the field lines are densest, most closely together. That will be where the field is
strongest. Comparing the four points, we see
that it’s point A that exists where there are more field lines per unit space than
any other. That indicates a relatively
stronger magnetic field. So we’ll say that this point is the
one at which the field is strongest.
Now what about the point at which
the field is weakest? If we consider the space around
points B, C, and D, we see that it’s point D which has the fewest field lines
nearby. The lowest magnetic field line
density indicates the smallest magnetic field strength. Therefore, of the four points, the
magnetic field is weakest at point D.
Okay, as we wrap up our lesson,
let’s summarize what we’ve seen about magnetic fields. For starters, we saw that magnetic
fields are created by electric charge that’s put in motion. And we noted that, at the atomic
level, those electric charges in motion are electrons orbiting the nucleus.
Additionally, we saw how magnetic
fields have magnitude as well as direction. That is, they’re vector
quantities. Magnetic fields are represented by
magnetic field lines, which themselves have a number of properties. Magnetic field lines point from the
north pole of a magnet to the south pole. They form closed loops. And they do not intersect with one
Finally, we learned that magnetic
field direction is indicated by the arrowheads on magnetic field lines and that
magnetic field magnitude or strength is indicated by the density of the magnetic
field lines.