Video Transcript
In this video, we’re learning about
the attraction and repulsion between permanent magnets. Before we talk about attraction and
repulsion though, we can consider just what a permanent magnet is. And even before that, we can
consider what a magnet is. Maybe the simplest way of saying it
is that a magnet is an object that creates a magnetic field. And it’s at this immediate point
that we can think of an analog, an analogy, with another physical phenomenon.
We know that electric charge is
also something which creates a field around itself, in that case an electric
field. Electric fields are invisible. But we know that they’re real, that
they exist, because of the effects they have on other electric charges. And in a similar way, magnetic
fields are themselves invisible. But we know that they exist because
of the effect they have on other magnets.
Now we’ve said that magnetic fields
are analogous to electrical fields. And that’s true to an extent. But there’s one very important
difference. We know that when it comes to
electric charge, there are two basic types: positive and negative charge. Similarly, when it comes to
magnets, there are two types or two kinds of pole. There is a north magnetic pole and
there is a south magnetic pole. And it’s here that the difference
comes in.
Notice that our different types of
electric charge, positive and negative, are separated from one another. In other words, we can isolate
them. So we can have a charge that’s 100
percent positive or another charge which is 100 percent negative. With magnets, as far as we’ve been
able to see, that’s not the case. They always come with a north and a
south pole together. We might think, “Well, okay, if we
start off with a magnet with a north and south pole, what if we broke it down the
middle? Wouldn’t that then give us just a
north pole by itself and just a south pole by itself?”
Well, people have tried that. And they found that when they break
a magnet in half, what actually ends up happening is the two parts themselves become
magnets with north and south poles. And then when they break those in
half, they find the same thing, more magnet parts, all of them having a north and a
south pole together. So that’s a main way that our
analogy breaks down that magnets are not like electric charge.
So we found that a magnet is the
type of thing that always has both kinds of poles, the north and the south pole,
involved in it. And this reality affects what the
field of a magnet will look like. Unlike the electric fields here,
which look a bit like the spokes on the wheel of a bicycle, the magnetic field
created by a magnet looks sort of like two gigantic lobes. Like the electric fields though,
the magnetic field lines also have a direction to them. They point from the north pole of
our magnet towards the south pole. This means that if we were to
follow a magnetic field line from start to finish, we would go in this direction,
starting at the north pole of the magnet, curling around along the line, and then
joining back up at the south pole of the magnet.
Okay, so we’ve talked a bit about
what magnets are and what their fields look like. And now let’s get on to the topic
of permanent magnets. Thousands of years ago, people
first encountered a type of stone that they found in the Earth that had some
interesting properties. For example, they found that the
stone always wanted to take a certain position relative to the rest of the
Earth. They found that if they took one of
these stones and suspended it by a thread, then if they just let the stone sit there
completely still and no one touched it or moved it, then all by itself, as far as
anyone can tell, the stone would slowly rotate. So that one end of it was pointing
towards the north and the other end was pointing towards the south. And no matter how the stone started
out in terms of its position, this is how it always seemed to end up along a
north–south line. These stones, called lodestones,
are the earliest examples of permanent magnets.
Now saying that a magnet is
permanent brings up the question: Is it possible to have an impermanent magnet? The answer to that actually is
yes. It is possible for an object to be
a magnet at one time but then lose its magnetization. But lodestones and other permanent
magnets aren’t like that. They’re always magnets, regardless
of whether or not they’re being influenced by something else.
Now let’s imagine that we ourselves
were doing this experiment with a suspended lodestone and we see the stone turn as
it’s positioned. Based on our compass, the north
pole of the Earth is that way and the south pole of the Earth is that way. And we can see that this part of
our lodestone is pointing towards the north and this part is pointing towards the
south pole.
We know that when it comes to
magnets, just like with electric charge, opposites attract. That means that the north pole of
one magnet will attract the south pole of another magnet. Looking at our experiment, we might
say since this end of our lodestone is pointed to the north, that means it’s
attracted to the north. Therefore, it must be a south pole
on this stone. That reasoning seems to make
sense. And it would be correct except for
one tricky thing about the Earth’s north and south poles.
If we were looking at a globe, a
representation of Earth, we would say that this here is the north pole and this here
is the south pole. And that’s true. When it comes to magnetism though,
there’s a bit of a confusing twist to it. It turns out that the north
geographic pole, which we’ve identified here, is very near to what we call the south
magnetic pole, the south magnetic pole being the place where the north pole on
magnets is attracted to. And likewise, the south geographic
pole here is very near to the north magnetic pole, that is, the place where the
south pole on magnets is attracted to. So you can see this turns things
almost completely backwards from what we might intuit.
The point we’re making here is that
this part of our lodestone, which we might reasonably think to be a south pole
because it’s pointed in the northern direction, is actually a north pole. Because as we said, the north
geographic pole of the Earth is actually very near the south magnetic pole of the
Earth. Again, very confusing, but once we
know it, we know it.
Now if that top end of our
lodestone is its north pole, then that must mean that this other end is its south
pole. So we had this stone, and it’s a
permanent magnet. It always has a north pole and a
south pole to it. Let’s take this experiment one step
Say that we now have two lodestones
suspended from thin strings. And we’ve already done the work to
figure out what the north and the south pole on each stone is. So now with these two stones
brought near one another and suspended from springs, what we wonder will happen to
Here’s what we see. We see that the north pole of this
lodestone is near to the south pole of this other one. And as we mentioned earlier,
magnetic poles are a little bit like electric charge, where opposites attract and
like repel. In this case, we have two opposite
magnetic poles, which means there will be a magnetic force drawing these lodestones
toward one another.
But now let’s try something
else. Say that we reset this
experiment. But we flip one of the stones
around so that now its north pole is facing to the left and its south pole to the
right. In this case, we now have like
poles, north and north, close to one another. And just like with like electric
charges, these poles will repel one another. We find that, in this way, magnetic
poles behave like electric charge. Like poles repel one another, and
unlike poles attract.
Now, so far, we’ve talked about
permanent magnets as though the only type of permanent magnet we might encounter is
a kind of stone we would find buried in the Earth. In fact though, permanent magnets
can be constructed by heating certain materials to a hot enough temperature that the
magnetic fields within them are fixed or made permanent. We can make permanent magnets into
a bar shape — that’s fairly common — or a horseshoe shape or really almost any shape
we could imagine. Regardless of the shape a permanent
magnet comes in, they interact with other magnets according to this rule. Like magnetic poles repel one
another, and unlike magnetic poles attract. Now that we know a bit about
permanent magnets and how they work, let’s try out a few examples.
A bar magnet is hung from a
thread that is attached to a stand. The magnet can pivot
freely. What will happen if the north
pole of a second bar magnet is brought near to the north pole of the bar magnet
that is hanging from the thread? What will happen if the north
pole of the second bar magnet is brought near to the south pole of the bar
magnet that is hanging from the thread?
Okay, let’s say that this is
our bar magnet, this is the thread, and this is the stand that the thread is
hanging from. We’ll say that the blue side of
our bar magnet is the north pole and the pink side is the south pole. The first part of our question
asks this. It says, “What if we take a
second bar magnet and we bring the north pole of it near to the north pole of
the bar magnet hanging from the thread?”
To figure out what will happen
here, it’s helpful to remember that magnetic poles are a bit like electric
charge. When it comes to electric
charge, like charges repel one another and unlike charges attract. So we would say that positive
is drawn to negative but repelled from positive, and negative is drawn to
positive but repelled from negative. Well, the same sort of thing
happens with magnetic north and south Poles. Unlike poles, a north and a
south pole, attract one another, but like poles, for example, the north and
north pole we have here, repel one another.
For these bar magnets, because
the poles that are closest together are of a like type — they’re both north —
that means these magnets will repel one another. If we were to hold this second
bar magnet in place so that it couldn’t move, then the one that’s suspended by
the string would swing a bit backward. It’s pushed away from the other
bar magnet. We can write that out as a
sentence this way. We can say that the north pole
of the hanging bar magnet will be repelled by the north pole of the second
In part two of this question,
we want to know what will happen if the north pole of the second bar magnet is
brought near to the south pole of the bar magnet that is hanging from the
thread. In this second scenario then,
here’s what we have. We have our second bar
magnet. But this time, the north pole
of this bar magnet is being brought near to the south pole of the suspended
magnet. In this case then, the two
poles that are closest to one another, the north and the south poles of these
two bar magnets, are of opposite types. Therefore, they’ll attract one
another. In this case, the suspended bar
magnet will be drawn towards the second bar magnet rather than repelled from
Let’s write that out in answer
to this second part. Our answer is that the south
pole of the hanging bar magnet will be attracted to the north pole of the second
magnet. This is what will take place in
these two instances of bringing the second bar magnet close to the suspended bar
Let’s look at one more example of
permanent magnet attraction and repulsion.
Two bar magnets are placed on a
flat table in the arrangement shown in the diagram. Will the magnets be attracted
to each other or repelled by each other?
The diagram shows us the two
bar magnets as well as the way the north and the south pole on each magnet are
arranged. We can see that, for the first
bar magnet, this one here, the pole that’s closest to the second bar magnet is
the south pole. And for the second bar magnet,
the pole that’s closest to the first bar magnet is the north pole.
It’s at this point that we can
recall how magnetic poles interact with one another. We can recall that like
magnetic poles, that is, either a north and a north or a south and a south, will
repel one another, whereas unlike magnetic poles attract one another. And this gives us the answer
for how these two bar magnets will interact. We see that because two unlike
poles are nearest one another, they’ll be drawn together according to this
For our answer then, we can say
that they will be attracted to each other. This will be the way that these
magnets interact.
This just about finishes up our
talk on the attraction and repulsion of permanent magnets. Let’s summarize what we’ve seen so
We learned in this lesson that
permanent magnets are objects that always create a magnetic field around
themselves. And we saw examples of permanent
magnets that are both natural as well as man-made. Additionally, we saw that all
magnets consist of a north as well as a south pole. They never come just one by
one. They’re always together. We saw that these poles helped to
create a magnetic field around the magnet. And the direction of that field is
to point from the north pole towards the south pole.
And then, vitally, we saw that like
magnetic poles, that is north and north or south and south, repel one another,
whereas unlike magnetic poles attract one another. And this governs how magnets
interact among themselves.