Question Video: Representing the Density of Free Electrons in an Acceptor-Ion Doped Semiconductor | Nagwa Question Video: Representing the Density of Free Electrons in an Acceptor-Ion Doped Semiconductor | Nagwa

Question Video: Representing the Density of Free Electrons in an Acceptor-Ion Doped Semiconductor Physics • Third Year of Secondary School

In a semiconductor that contains acceptor ions and is at thermal equilibrium, the number of vacancies can be modeled as being equal to the number of acceptor ions. Using this model, which of the following formulas correctly represents the semiconductor? The density of free electrons in the semiconductor if it was undoped is represented by 𝑛_𝑖, the density of free electrons in the semiconductor is represented by 𝑛, and the density of acceptor ions is represented by 𝑁_𝐴^−. [A] 𝑛 =𝑛_𝑖^2 − 𝑁_𝐴^− [B] 𝑛 = 𝑁_𝐴^− + 𝑛_𝑖^2 [C] 𝑛 = 𝑁_𝐴^−/𝑛_𝑖^2 [D] 𝑛 = 𝑛_𝑖^2/𝑁_𝐴^− [E] 𝑛 = 𝑁_𝐴^− − 𝑛_𝑖^2


Video Transcript

In a semiconductor that contains acceptor ions and is at thermal equilibrium, the number of vacancies can be modeled as being equal to the number of acceptor ions. Using this model, which of the following formulas correctly represents the semiconductor? The density of free electrons in the semiconductor if it was undoped is represented by 𝑛 sub 𝑖, the density of free electrons in the semiconductor is represented by 𝑛, and the density of acceptor ions is represented by N subscript 𝐴 superscript minus. (A) The electron density equals the undoped density squared minus the acceptor density. (B) The electron density equals the acceptor density plus the undoped density squared. (C) The electron density equals the acceptor density divided by the undoped density squared. (D) The electron density equals the undoped density squared divided by the acceptor density. (E) The electron density equals the acceptor density minus the undoped density squared.

In this question, we’re thinking about a semiconductor that’s been doped with acceptor ions. Recall that in a silicon lattice, an acceptor ion has room for one more possible electron in its outermost electron shell. Therefore, each acceptor ion creates a new vacancy in the lattice without creating any new free electrons. We’ve been told that the amount of vacancies, represented by 𝑝, can be modeled as equal to the amount of acceptor ions. This basically tells us that all of the vacancies in the sample are due to doping.

So we already know the amount of vacancies in the sample. But in this question, we wanna figure out a way to model the amount of free electrons in the sample as well. So let’s use our knowledge of semiconductors to write an expression solved for 𝑛. Let’s begin by recalling that for a pure undoped sample, free electrons and vacancies are created in pairs. So for a pure semiconductor, the density of free electrons equals the density of vacancies.

Now we’ve been told that the quantity 𝑛 sub 𝑖 represents the density of free electrons if the sample was undoped. This means for a pure semiconductor, the undoped density is the density of free electrons. And because the density of free electrons equals the density of vacancies, the undoped density equals the density of vacancies as well.

Next, recall that we can take the product of or multiply the electron density and the vacancy density, which is the same thing as the undoped density squared. Now, something really interesting and useful is that this term, the undoped density squared, remains constant for a sample at a given temperature, even if the density of electrons and vacancies change due to doping. So this expression holds true whether our sample is doped or totally pure. Therefore, we know this relationship correctly represents our semiconductor, and it’s written in terms of the electron density, which is what we want to solve for.

So we’re getting close, but notice that none of the answer choices are written in terms of the vacancy density. Instead, we wanna model our semiconductor in terms of the acceptor density. So since we’ve already established that the vacancy density equals the acceptor density, let’s go ahead and make this simple substitution. And now, our expression is written in terms of the acceptor density. All that’s left to do is solve it for the electron density. So let’s divide both sides of the formula by the acceptor density and cancel that term over here.

And now we have our answer, which corresponds to option (D). The density of free electrons equals the undoped density squared divided by the acceptor density.

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