Video Transcript
In this video, we’re going to learn
about electric fields. We’ll see what these fields are,
how they work, and how they interact with electric charges.
The first thing to know about
electric fields is that they’re created by electric charges. Any charge — whether the positive
one we have here or a negative charge — creates an electric field around itself. At this particular moment though,
if we were to say that this positive charge was the only electric charge in the
universe, we couldn’t find evidence for its electric field. It takes some other electric charge
— say this one over here — to respond to the field created by this charge in the
first place. And by the way, this second charge
we’ve drawn in also would create a field itself and the first charge would then
respond to that.
In order to make sure we know which
charge we’re referring to, let’s take this original charge and we’ll put it on a
stand. We’ll fix it in place and we’ll
call this the source charge. It’s the electric field created by
this charge that we’ll consider specifically. We can give a name to this other
charge. We can call this a test charge. We call it that because we’re gonna
move this charge around and test the electric field created by our source
charge. And remember this is all with the
idea of better understanding this invisible phenomenon that we’re calling an
electric field.
One way to start getting a sense
for this field is to see in what direction it either pushes or pulls our test
charge. When it comes to electric charge
interaction, we know that two like charges — like the two positive charges we have
here — will mutually repel one another. They’ll push one another away. That means if we were to sketch in
an arrow representing the direction of the electric force on our test charge, that
arrow would point on a line directly away from the source charge.
Now, if we stopped here and based
our understanding of the electric field just on this single piece of information
we’ve found, we might get the idea that the field is pointing all in this direction,
maybe looking something like this. But let’s keep moving our test
charge around. Let’s say we put our test charge
here. In this case, the test charge would
experience a force up in this direction again directly away from the source.
Notice also that the arrow
representing this force is shorter than the one we had before. In other words, the magnitude of
the push is smaller than when the test charge was closer and towards the source. If we put our test charge here,
then we would see a force direction on that charge like this. If we put it here down below the
source, we would see this positive test charge move in this direction. And if we tried this spot for our
test charge, now we would see that charge move this way.
We’re starting to see a map of what
the electric field created by our positive source charge looks like. The field seems to always act along
this radio lines pointing outward from the center of the source charge. This is an important realisation
about electric fields. So let’s stop for a moment and
record some of what we’ve learned about these fields so far.
We’ve learned that all electric
charges whether positive or negative create electric fields. Just now, we saw that electric
fields point radially from a point charge. In other words, if the point charge
is like the center of a wheel, then the electric field points like the spokes of the
wheel. We could draw it this way. We could show our source charge and
then the electric field lines — that’s what these yellow lines are called — pointing
out from that source. Now as we said, electric fields are
invisible. And of course, if they had no
physical effect, then we wouldn’t be very interested in them or know much about
But let’s return to the arrows that
we drew in representing the force acting on our test charge as we moved it around
our positive source charge. These five arrows we’ve drawn in
represent the magnitude and direction of the electric force acting on the test
charge. Notice that that force is a force
at a distance. After all, the source charge and
the test charge aren’t touching one another. They aren’t in physical
contact. We say that the electric force is
mediated or transmitted by the electric field. And that’s why we’re so interested
in the electric field because it’s responsible for the force that pushes and pulls
electric charge.
Okay, at this point, we might start
to think that electric fields are only created by positive charges. After all, we have a positive
source charge and we’ve been working with a positive test charge. But that would go against our rule
that all electric charges create electric fields. And indeed, if we switched out our
positive source charge with a negative one and if we then used a test charge that
was also negative, we could create a similar mapping of the electric field created
by our now negative source. But in a way, we don’t need to do
that because we’ve already discovered that electric fields in general whether
they’re created by positive or negative sources point radially from a point
So instead of doing that, let’s
switch things up a bit. Let’s turn our negative test charge
back into a positive charge. When we do this of course, we now
have a positive charge interacting with a negative charge, opposites. When we do have a case of two
oppositely charged particles interacting, we know the force between them is
attractive, not repulsive. That would mean if we sketch in the
force acting on our positive test charge, it will look something like this, straight
towards the center of the negative source.
But remember when we had a positive
source charge, the force on the positive test charge was in the opposite
direction. This difference in direction tells
us that the electric field created by a negative source is not the same as that
created by a positive. In other words, to be
comprehensive, we would want to draw an electric field coming from a negative source
because that field is somehow different from this one, the one coming from a
positive source.
So then, just how are these two
fields different? Well, looking at the difference in
force direction on our positive test charge, we can tell that the fields have
opposite directions. They point in opposite ways. The positive source charge pushes
this positive test charge away. So we could complete our sketch for
the electric field created by a positive source by putting these arrowheads on those
lines, while a negative source pulls this positive charge toward it. In this case then for the electric
field from a negative source, we’ll draw those field lines pointing in toward the
What we’re learning then is
something about electric field direction. The direction electric fields point
is the same as the direction that a positive charge in the field would move. That’s why all the electric field
lines point inward in the case of our negative source and outward in the case of our
positive. And now, it’s time to start
understanding electric fields at a deeper level. We’ve seen that they have a
direction associated with them. And more than that, they even have
a magnitude. That is, electric fields are vector
quantities. We’ve seen the sense in which
electric fields have a direction. But what would their magnitude
be? How would we represent that?
To see how we do that, let’s draw
in some electric field lines created by our negative source charge. With that done, let’s now consider
what will happen to our positive test charge as we slide it up and down — so to
speak — this imaginary field line. Always remember by the way that
when you see electric field lines drawn in a diagram, they aren’t physically real
structures. They just represent electric field
properties. But anyway, we’re gonna move our
positive test charge up and down this field line and see what happens.
For starters, let’s say that we
move it farther away from the negative source. With our test charge farther away
from the source, the force vector — that is the electric force acting on it — would
still point directly towards the source. But its magnitude will be
smaller. That is, the arrow will be
shorter. Now, let’s try moving our test
charge close to the source. In this case, the force on our test
charge would be very strong indeed represented by a longer arrow than the others and
in the same direction as before towards the center of the source. So no surprise, as we moved our
test charge closer and closer in, the force on it got comparatively stronger.
But notice something about the
electric field lines of our source charge. Out here where our test charge was
far away from the source, the field lines are fairly far apart from one another. As we moved to the middle position,
the field lines got nearer one another, separated by a smaller distance. And close in, they’re separated by
an even smaller distance. Here’s what we could say about
this. We could say that the density of
the electric field lines is increasing as we move towards the source charge.
Now, we may be used to thinking of
this term density as a mass per unit volume. And indeed, that’s the definition
of density. In our case, we’re using this term
in a slightly different way. When we talk about the density of
electric field lines, we mean how many field lines fill a certain volume of
space. Of course, the field lines don’t
have mass. But we can count how many of them
are spread out over a certain space. We can think of it this way.
Let’s say that we create a square
and the square looks just like this and it has this size. And what we’re gonna do is count
how many field lines appear in that square as we move it closer and closer to the
source. Right now, as we’re farther away,
we can see that there’s just one field line in it. But then, we move this same-size
square closer in. Now, there are two electric field
lines through it. And we can move it closer
still. And now, we count one, two, three,
four, five field lines through it.
The point is as we move this
same-size square closer and closer in towards the source, we found more field lines
moving through it. That is, the density of field lines
is increasing. And we can recall that as we moved
our test charge closer and closer in towards the source, the magnitude of the force
acting on it increased. Here’s the point of all this. We can connect the density of
electric field lines with the strength of the field and therefore the strength of
the electric force. We can write that out this way. We can say that the electric field
line density — that is how many field lines there are over a certain space —
indicates electric field strength: the greater the density, the greater the field
So far, we’ve learnt quite a lot
about electric fields. Before we try out a couple of
examples, let’s cover one more thing. So far, we’ve just talked about the
fields created by point charges, a single positive or a single negative charge. But really, any object so long as
it has a net electric charge to it will create an electric field. And that field will look different
than the fields created by the point charges we’ve studied so far.
For example, imagine that we have a
gigantic flat plate. This plate goes on and on as far as
the eye can see. And let’s say further that this
plate has an overall or a net positive electric charge. Because of that, this plate will
create an electric field around itself. And the electric field lines will
look something like this. Notice that they point away from
the plate because it has a positive charge, but they’re parallel with one
another. That is, these lines would never
By the way, that’s actually quite a
good thing because electric field lines never should cross. If we ever did have electric field
lines that crossed, that would mean that if we put a test charge right at their
crossover point, that test charge will tend to move in two different directions. But that doesn’t make sense. Remember electric field lines point
in the direction a positive charge in the field would move. If we had overlapping field lines
that would seem to say that a positive test charge placed there would move into
different directions. But that can’t be.
So anyway, these field lines coming
out from our plate don’t get closer together and they don’t move farther apart. That tells us something about the
electric field strength. Looking down here, we saw that
electric field line density indicates electric field strength. But if the field lines are parallel
and they are, that means that density is never changing. If the field line density isn’t
changing, the electric field strength isn’t changing either. So that’s interesting.
But then imagine something yet
further. Let’s say that we add more positive
charge to this large plate. When we did that, we would need to
add more electric field lines than we drew previously because now the electric field
is stronger than it was before. Once again though, the field lines
are parallel. And therefore, the field strength
is constant no matter how far where we get from this plate. Alright, all that said, let’s look
at an example question involving electric fields.
The diagram shows the electric
field created by a pair of parallel charged plates. The red plate represents the
positively charged plate and the blue plate represents the negatively charged
plate. At which of the points 𝑃, 𝑅, or
𝑆 is the electric field strongest?
Looking at the diagram, we see the
red plate which we’re told has a positive charge and the blue plate which we know
has a negative charge. Thanks to that charge difference,
an electric field is set up between the plates. And we see the field lines
represented by these hashed lines. We also see three points between
the plates: point 𝑃, point 𝑅, and point 𝑆. And we want to know at which of
these three points is the electric field strongest. To figure this out, there’s
something we’ll want to recall about electric field lines and how they relate to
electric field strength.
Electric field line density
indicates relative electric field strength. That means that electric field
lines which are spaced closer together indicate a stronger electric field than field
lines that are spaced farther apart. For example, if we were to look at
the electric field created by a positive point charge, if we put a box far away from
this point charge, not many field lines will pass through it. But as we move the box in closer,
more field lines would pass through it. That is, field line density would
increase. And likewise, electric field
strength would increase. And that brings us back to our
When we look at these electric
field lines between the parallel plates, we notice that they run parallel to one
another. That is, the spacing between
electric field lines is always the same. They don’t get closer together or
farther apart. In other words, the electric field
line density is constant all throughout this region between the plates. And that tells us that the relative
electric field strength is also a constant in this region. It’s not stronger in one place and
weaker in another. But it’s the same strength
everywhere. This is true whether we’re
considering points 𝑃, 𝑅, and 𝑆 or any point in between these plates. That then tells us our answer about
where the electric field is strongest. The electric field has the same
strength at each point. And as we saw, that includes all
points between the parallel plates.
We’re now at a good point to
summarise what we’ve learnt about electric fields. Starting off, we learnt all
electric charges produce electric fields. It’s the electric fields that
mediate or transmit electric force, the pushes and pulls on electric charges. For point charges, the electric
fields they produce are aligned like the spokes on the wheel of a bicycle. That is, they point radially from
the source charge. We also learnt that the fields
created by positive and negative point charges are not the same. They point in opposite
directions. The field created by a positive
charge points outward and the field created by a negative charge points in toward
that charge.
Along with that, we learnt that
electric field line density — the number of field lines contained within a space or
a volume — indicates the relative electric field strength. And last but not least, we saw that
electric field lines never cross one another because that would indicate that at the
intersection point, the force on a charged particle will be in two different
directions. There’s lots more to learn about
electric fields. But these points will help get us