Question Video: Arrange Multi-Digit Numbers in Ascending Order | Nagwa Question Video: Arrange Multi-Digit Numbers in Ascending Order | Nagwa

Question Video: Arrange Multi-Digit Numbers in Ascending Order

Arrange the numbers on the cards in ascending order. 98562, 46652, 60376, 50380, 21645


Video Transcript

Arrange the numbers on the cards in ascending order. 98562, 46652, 60376, 50380, and 21645.

We have to arrange these numbers in ascending order. This means we have to order the numbers from the smallest number to the largest number. You may have noticed that each of our five numbers has five digits. The first two digits are separated from the rest of the number by a comma. This is to separate the thousands from the rest of the number.

So our first number has 98 thousands. Our second number has 46 thousands. Our third number has 60 thousands, 50 thousands, and then 21 thousands. We can compare these amounts in thousands to help us decide which is the smallest number. We’re looking for the number which has the least amount of thousands, which is this number. It has 21 thousands. So the smallest number is 21645.

Which of our four remaining numbers has the least amount of thousands now? 46 is less than 50, 60, and 98. So the second number we need to write is 46652. Which of these three numbers has the least amount of thousands, 98, 60, or 50? It’s 50. 50 is less than 60 and 98. So the next number is 50380. Which is less, 60 thousands or 98 thousands? 60. So our next number is 60376. Which, of course, means that the largest number with 98 thousands is 98562.

We’ve arranged the numbers on the cards in ascending order. And we used the thousands digits to help us compare the size of each number. The numbers in ascending order are 21645, 46652, 50380, 60376, and 98562.

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