Video Transcript
Think about the number that is 10
and three more. Use ten frames to show the
We know our number is 10 and three
more. Which of these ten frames shows 10
and three more? This ten frame has one counter. It shows one. And this ten frame has three
counters. So this is not the ten frame that
shows the number. This ten frame is full. It shows 10 counters. And the second ten frame shows
three counters. So we found the ten frames that
show the number which is 10 and three more. Pick the number.
We’re looking for the number which
shows one ten and three more. This number has three tens. So this doesn’t show the
number. This number has one ten and three
more or three ones. One ten and three more makes
We thought about the number that is
10 and three more. We used ten frames to show the
number and we picked the number 13. One ten and three more is 13.