Lesson Video: Counting Money: Pence | Nagwa Lesson Video: Counting Money: Pence | Nagwa

Lesson Video: Counting Money: Pence Mathematics

In this video, we will learn how to count in 2s, 5s, 10s, and 20s within 100 to find the value of a group of coins in pence.


Video Transcript

Counting Money: Pence

In this video, we’re going to learn how to count in twos, fives, 10s, and 20s within 100 to find the value of a group of coins in pence. We’re not going to be thinking about lots and lots of different coins in this video, just six. And these are the six that we’re going to be using. To start with, let’s remind ourselves what each coin is worth.

Now, often, coins do have different designs on them, and these also change over time. So, we can’t really rely on the picture that’s on a coin, but we can always tell the value of a coin by its size, together with its shape, its color, and also what’s written on it. The first two of these are really interesting because they mean we could shut our eyes and still tell what a coin is worth, just by touching it, feeling its shape and the size. And this is why coins are made different shapes and sizes. It really helps people who have difficulty seeing to know what the value of the coin they have in their hand is. So, there are lots of clues we can use to tell the value of a coin.

Well, the coins we’re going to be using are going to have this design on them. In fact, here is an interesting fact about the design before we start. Did you know if you take one of each type of coin and arrange them like this, the design on them makes a shield pattern? Can you see it? There you go, an interesting fact to start this off.

Now, let’s have a go at putting these coins in order of size. Which coin has the least value here? It’s the one-penny coin. if you turn your head slightly, you might be able to see the words one penny written on the side. This is a circular coin, and it’s bronze colored. It has a value of one penny. And you remember, which coin has the next smallest value? It’s the two-pence coin. Look how the one-penny coin and the two-pence coins are both the same color. These bronze-colored coins are worth less than the silver ones. Now, instead of writing penny or pence all the time, we can say these coins value in a much shorter way. We can use the letter p. So far, we’ve got a one-p and two-p coin.

Do you remember which coin comes next? We know there’s no such thing as a three-p or a four-p coin, but there is a five-pence coin. Although the five-p coin doesn’t have the least value, it is the smallest coin. It’s also the first of our silver-colored coins. And if we look closely, we can see it says five pence across the middle. After the five-p coin, we have this coin here, the 10-pence coin. Then come two coins that have seven sides to them. Can you see the writing on the side of this coin? This is the 20-pence coin. And this only leaves us with the 50-pence coin. The value of our coins in order of size is one p, two p, five p, 10p, 20p, and 50p.

Now, in this video, we’re not just looking at coins on their own. We’re looking at a group of coins. We want to be able to count them to see how much we have altogether. This means that we’re going to be practicing the skill of skip counting. Let’s imagine we have these four coins here. How much money do we have altogether? Well, the coins are all the same. Can you spot which one they are? We have four five-p coins. And to find their value altogether, we could skip count in fives four times. Five, 10, 15, 20. These four five-p coins have a value of 20 pence. So, does this mean that these four coins are worth the same as one 20p coin? Yes, it does. They’re both worth 20 pence. Or two 10p coins? Yes, because 10 plus 10 equals 20.

Let’s try adding some coins of different values. Let’s imagine you put your left hand in your pocket and you pull out these coins and you put your right hand in your pocket and you pull out these coins. Which hand is holding most money, left or right? It looks like the right hand is holding more coins. But this doesn’t mean that the value of those coins is more. We need to count them to find out. Let’s add the coins in our left hand first. Now, what’s the quickest way to count these coins? Do you think we should start with coins of least value first and work up or start with the coins with the most value and work down? We’re just like we’re adding any numbers. It doesn’t matter which order we add them, but sometimes it’s a little bit easier to start with a larger number first.

Can you see which coin has the largest value in the left hand? It’s this 20p coin here. As we add each coin, let’s cross it off. So, that’s 20. Which coin has the next largest value? We have one 10p coin. And 20 plus 10 is 30. Now, there are two five-p coins. So, that’s two jumps of five from 30. 30, 35, 40. And then, we’ve just got this one-p coin to add, 41. The value of the coins in our left hand is 41 pence.

Now, let’s do the same thing to add the coins in our right hand. What is their value? Once again, we’ll start at zero, and we use a number line to help us. And we’ll begin with the coins with the largest value. Can you spot which ones these are? It’s these 10-pence coins. There are three of them. So, let’s begin by counting in 10s three times. 10, 20, 30. Next, we have two five-pence coins to add, so we need to count on another two jumps of five from 30. 30, 35, 40. And finally, we’ve got these two two-p coins to add. So, we’ll count on from 40. 42, 44. The value of the coins in our right hand is 44 pence. And so, our right hand held more coins and more money.

It’s not always the case that more coins means more money though. If some of those 10p coins would have been one-p coins instead, it would have been a different story. Probably, the best thing we can do in a video like this is just practice counting different amounts of money. So, let’s try answering some questions where we have to do just that.

Continue counting to find out how much money there is.

In this question, we’re shown six coins. And we’re told that we need to find out how much money there is. Alright, it might be a good idea to start with if we just take a look at which coins we’ve got because the type of coins we have makes a big difference to the total value. To begin with, we’ve got these two circular silver coins here. And if we look carefully at the top of them, we can see how much they are worth. These are 10-pence coins; they’re both worth 10p. Now, when we add coins, it often makes sense to start with the largest value first. So, we know that the other coins we’re going to add are probably going to be worth less than 10p. And they are; these are five-p coins. And we have four of them to add. So, this question is really asking us if we have two 10p coins and four five-p coins, how much money do we have altogether?

A good way of adding these coins is to use a number line, and we’re given one that’s partly completed. Let’s go through it and continue counting where it stops. Firstly, let’s add our two 10p coins. So, we’re going to count in 10s twice. 10, 20. Now, we need to add our four five-p coins. This means we need to start from 20 and count in fives four times. 20, 25, 30, 35, 40. We counted in 10s twice and then in fives four times, and we got to the number 40. And that’s how we know that two 10p coins plus four five-p coins makes a total of 40p.

Jacob, Liam, and Mason have the amounts of money shown. How much money does Jacob have? How much money does Liam have? And how much money does Mason have?

In the table, we can see the amounts of money that three boys have. We can see their names across the top: Jacob, Liam, and Mason. And as we read the questions, we realized that what we need to do is to find out how much money each one has. This means we need to do two things really. Firstly, we need to be able to add some numbers together. But before we do that, there’s another skill we need to have, and that’s being able to identify the value of each coin. Let’s look at Jacob’s coins to begin with. I wonder if they’ve been put in order of size? It’s always easier to start with a bigger number, isn’t it, when we’re adding?

This coin is fairly small, it’s silver, and it’s got seven sides. There’s a coin that looks a little bit similar to this, but it’s larger and that’s the 50p coin. So, do you remember what this smaller coin is worth? It’s worth 20 pence. And if we really look closely at the side of the coin, we might be able to see the words 20 pence written there. So that we don’t forget, let’s make a note of that value, 20p.

What’s the value of a round coin that’s slightly smaller than a 20p piece? This is a five-pence coin, so we’ll make a note of that. Jacob’s last two coins are worth the same amount. These are bronze colored and they’re quite small. These are both one-p coins. So, to find the amount of money that Jacob has, we need to add 20p, five p, one p, and another one p. Let’s start counting at 20. 20p plus five p equals 25p. And then, if we add one penny twice, we go from 25 to 26 and then 27. Jacob has a total of 27p.

Now, how much money does Liam have? Once again, let’s start by identifying the coins that he has. Here’s another one of these seven-sided silver coins, but this one is bigger. This is a 50-pence coin. And then, Liam has two bronze coins that are exactly the same. They’re slightly bigger than a one-p coin, now aren’t they? These coins are worth two pence each. So to find the total amount that Liam has, we need to add together 50p plus two p plus another two p. All these coins have been put in order for us, haven’t they? It makes it so much easier for us to add. So, we’ll start counting from 50. If we add two, we get 52p, and then another two, we get an overall total of 54p. Liam has 54 pence altogether.

Finally, let’s add the coins that Mason has. He has this round silver coin here. It’s bigger than a five p. This is a 10p coin. Then, we’ve got two coins that we’ve seen already. There’s a five-p coin and a one-penny coin. And you probably don’t need a number line to add these three numbers together. To find the total that Mason has, we just need to add 10p plus five p plus one p. 10p plus five p takes us to 15 pence. And if we add the one penny, we get 16 pence. Mason has the least of all. He has 16 pence.

In this question, we needed to practice two skills, being able to identify different coins and then being able to add them. The total of Jacob’s coins is 27p, the total of Liam’s coins is 54p, and the total of Mason’s coins is 16p.

Pick the coins that make 37 pence.

In this question, we’re given two sets of coins, but only one of them makes a value of 37p. Which is it? We could use number lined to help us add the value of these coins. Now, the first coin in our first set is worth 10p. We know this because it’s a circular silver coin. It’s a little bit bigger than the other circular silver coin we can see. But also, it says 10 pence at the top of it, so we can start counting from 10. Now, we also have another 10p coin. 10 plus 10 equals 20.

Now, we’ve got some different coins to add. These are silver colored, but a little bit smaller than our 10p coins. These are worth five pence each, and we have three of them. So, we need to count on from 20 in fives three times. 20, 25, 30, 35. Now, we want to make 37 pence. But we’ve only got one more coin left and we’ve already got up to 35. To get from 35 to 37, we really need this last coin to be a two-p coin. 35 plus two is 37, isn’t it? But unfortunately, this coin is a one-penny coin and 35 plus one equals 36. Our first set of coins make 36 pence, not 37 pence. Our second set of coins must be the right answer.

Now, before we draw out a number line and start adding the coins like before, let’s just take a moment to look at them. What do you notice? Most of our coins are exactly the same as those in the first group. In fact, can you see there’s only one coin different? So, we don’t need to draw another number line at all. The only coin that’s different is this last one. Instead of our one-penny coin, this is a two-pence coin. So, we can count just like before. 10, 20, 25, 30, 35. But instead of adding one more, we can add two more. And 35 plus two equals 37 pence altogether.

We found the answer by skip counting according to the value of the coins. We had to count in 10s and then some fives. But the set of coins that makes 37 pence is the one that contains two 10-pence coins, three five-pence coins, and one two-pence coin.

So, what have we learned in this video? We’ve learned how to count in twos, fives, 10s, and 20s to find the value of a group of coins.

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