Lesson Plan: Drawing and Measuring Bearings Mathematics
This lesson plan includes the objectives, prerequisites, and exclusions of the lesson teaching students how to draw and measure bearings.
Students will be able to
- understand that bearings are measured clockwise from the north and are given as three figures,
- understand the relationship between bearings and compass points,
- read off a simple bearing in a diagram,
- read off a simple bearing in a diagram by subtracting a given angle from ,
- distinguish the bearing of from from the bearing of from ,
- use the bearing of from to work out the bearing of from ,
- solve more complex problems, such as interpreting a word problem to identify a correct bearing or filling in missing angles in a diagram and using them to work out a bearing.
Students should already be familiar with
- measuring angles with a protractor,
- simple angle facts and properties.
Students will not cover
- drawing scale diagrams.