Lesson Plan: Emission of Neutrinos in Beta Decay
This lesson plan includes the objectives, prerequisites, and exclusions of the lesson teaching students how to solve nuclear equations involving beta decay.
Students will be able to
- recall that beta particles have a relative charge of ,
- recall that the term beta particle is just another name for the electron,
- recall that electron neutrinos and electron antineutrinos have a relative charge of 0,
- recall that when a nucleus undergoes beta decay, two particles are emitted, an electron and an electron antineutrino,
- recall that when a nucleus undergoes beta decay, the relative charge increases by 1, the atomic number increases by 1, and the mass number stays the same,
- solve nuclear equations involving beta decay,
- interpret nuclear decay charts that show beta decay.
Students should already be familiar with
- what electrons are,
- what electron neutrinos and electron antineutrinos are,
- the basic structure of atoms.
Students will not cover
- beta-plus decay,
- electron capture,
- alpha decay,
- gamma decay,
- neutron emission,
- proton emission.