Lesson Plan: Subtracting Money up to EGP 1,000
This lesson plan includes the objectives, prerequisites, and exclusions of the lesson teaching students how to subtract units of money up to 1,000 Egyptian pounds (EGP) with regrouping.
Students will be able to
- model regrouping of hundreds and/or tens using a place value table,
- subtract two- and three-digit numbers from three-digit numbers with regrouping of hundreds and tens,
- draw models to subtract two three-digit numbers.
Students should already be familiar with
- the place value of three-digit numbers,
- the value of the three notes,
- using a place value/money mat to calculate an amount of money up to 1,000 Egyptian pounds,
- decomposing amounts of money,
- adding money up to 1,000 LE.
Students will not cover
- money word problems.