Lesson Explainer: Solving Trigonometric Equations with the Double-Angle Identity | Nagwa Lesson Explainer: Solving Trigonometric Equations with the Double-Angle Identity | Nagwa

Lesson Explainer: Solving Trigonometric Equations with the Double-Angle Identity Mathematics • Second Year of Secondary School

In this explainer, we will learn how to solve trigonometric equations using the double-angle identity.

Trigonometric equations have several real-world applications in various fields, such as physics, engineering, architecture, robotics, music theory, and navigation, to name a few. In physics, they can be used in projectile motion, modeling the mechanics of electromagnetic waves, analyzing alternating and direct currents, and finding the trajectory of a mass around a massive body under the force of gravity.

Let’s begin by recalling the trigonometric functions, whose double-angle identities we will examine in this explainer. Consider a right triangle.

The trigonometric functions can be expressed in terms of the ratio of the sides of the triangle as sinOHcosAHtanOA𝜃=,𝜃=,𝜃=.

These functions satisfy the following trigonometric identity: tansincos𝜃=𝜃𝜃.

We note that these trigonometric ratios are defined for acute angles 0<𝜃<90, and the trigonometric functions for all values of 𝜃 are defined on the unit circle using right triangle trigonometry.

Suppose that a point moves along the unit circle in the counterclockwise direction. At a particular position (𝑥,𝑦) on the unit circle with angle 𝜃, the sine function is defined as 𝑦=𝜃sin and the cosine function as 𝑥=𝜃cos, as shown in the diagram above. In other words, the trigonometric functions are defined using the coordinates of the point of intersection of the unit circle with the terminal side of 𝜃 in standard position.

The domain is the set of possible inputs and the range is the set of possible outputs, given its domain. For the trigonometric functions, these are given by the following.


Since the tangent function is defined as the ratio of the sine and cosine functions, it is undefined when cos𝜃, the denominator, is zero. In other words, the tangent function has to exclude values of 𝜃 where cos𝜃=0 in order to be well defined. This is why the domain of the tangent function is 𝜋2+𝑛𝜋,𝑛, which just means we subtract the values of 𝜃 where cos𝜃=0 from the set of real numbers in order to exclude this from the input.

The trigonometric functions are periodic, which means if we add an integer multiple of 2𝜋, in radians, or 360 to the angle 𝜃, the value of the function stays the same: sinsincoscostantan(360+𝜃)=𝜃,(360+𝜃)=𝜃,(360+𝜃)=𝜃.

We can see these directly from the unit circle definition of the trigonometric functions. In fact, the tangent function is periodic by 𝜋, in radians, or 180 since we have tantan(180+𝜃)=𝜃.

This fact will be important for finding general solutions for the trigonometric functions. The domains of the trigonometric functions have to be restricted to a particular subset, known as the principle branch, in order to have inverse functions.

The inverse trigonometric functions denoted by sin, cos, and tan are the inverse functions of the trigonometric functions sin, cos, and tan. This means they work in reverse or “go backward” from the usual trigonometric functions. They are defined by 𝑦=𝑥𝑥=𝑦,𝑦=𝑥𝑥=𝑦,𝑦=𝑥𝑥=𝑦.sinsincoscostantan

These can also be written as arcsin𝑥, arccos𝑥, and arctan𝑥. The domain and range for the inverse trigonometric functions are given by the following.


The ranges for the inverse trigonometric functions in general apply only when the trigonometric functions are restricted to the principal branch. This is to ensure that the trigonometric functions are one-to-one functions, so that the inverse trigonometric functions evaluate to a single value, known as the principal value.

For example, if we have a particular trigonometric equation, such as sin𝜃=𝑦, we can find the solutions in the range 𝜃𝜋2,𝜋2 by applying the inverse trigonometric equations: 𝜃=(𝑦).sin

However, if we want to determine all the possible solutions, we need the general solutions given in terms of an integer 𝑛, which we can obtain from the CAST diagram and the periodicity of the trigonometric functions.

Let’s recall the CAST diagram.

Definition: The CAST Diagram

  • In the first quadrant, all trigonometric functions are positive.
  • In the second quadrant, the sine function is positive.
  • In the third quadrant, the tangent function is positive.
  • In the fourth quadrant, the cosine function is positive.

Let’s recall how we can find the solutions to trigonometric equations.

Property: Solutions to Trigonometric Equations

The CAST diagram helps us to remember the signs of the trigonometric functions for each quadrant.

In particular, the CAST diagram tells us that solutions to the trigonometric equations are given by the following.

  • If sin𝜃=𝑥 and 1𝑥1, 𝜃=𝑥𝜃=180𝑥,sinsin for 𝜃[90,270], or, in radians, 𝜃=𝑥𝜃=𝜋𝑥,sinsin for 𝜃𝜋2,3𝜋2.
  • If cos𝜃=𝑥 and 1𝑥1, then we can express the angle 𝜃 in terms of the inverse cosine function in degrees as 𝜃=𝑥𝜃=360𝑥,coscos for 𝜃[0,360], or, in radians, 𝜃=𝑥𝜃=2𝜋𝑥,coscos for 𝜃[0,2𝜋].
  • If tan𝜃=𝑥, then we can express the angle 𝜃 in terms of the inverse tangent function in degrees as 𝜃=𝑥𝜃=180+𝑥,tantan for 𝜃]90,90[]90,270[, or, in radians, 𝜃=𝑥𝜃=𝜋+𝑥,tantan for 𝜃𝜋2,𝜋2𝜋2,3𝜋2.

The ranges given for 𝜃 follow from the ranges of the inverse trigonometric functions.

We can also see this from the unit circle as shown.

The general solutions to the trigonometric equations can be found from the solutions we obtain from the CAST diagram or inverse trigonometric functions, 𝜃, by adding a integer multiple of 360 or 2𝜋, in radians. We do this for all the solutions we obtain, since the trigonometric functions are periodic. Thus, the general solution, ̂𝜃, for 𝑛, is ̂𝜃=𝜃+360𝑛 in degrees and ̂𝜃=𝜃+2𝜋𝑛 in radians.

When solving trigonometric equations, we are usually given a particular range for the angle 𝜃 to determine the solutions, which means we may only need to consider a few values of 𝑛, where appropriate. A solution set is the set of values that contains solutions to the trigonometric equation in the required range.

Now, let’s recall the addition identities for the sine, cosine, and tangent functions: sinsincoscossincoscoscossinsintantantantantan(𝜃±𝜃)=𝜃𝜃±𝜃𝜃,(𝜃±𝜃)=𝜃𝜃𝜃𝜃,(𝜃±𝜃)=𝜃±𝜃1𝜃𝜃.

We will use these addition identities to derive the double-angle identities.

By substituting 𝜃=𝜃=𝜃 in the addition identities, we obtain the double-angle identities for the trigonometric functions.

Definition: Trigonometric Double-Angle Identities

The trigonometric double-angle identities are sinsincoscoscossintantantan2𝜃=2𝜃𝜃,2𝜃=𝜃𝜃,2𝜃=2𝜃1𝜃.

Let’s consider an example that demonstrates how we can use the sine double-angle identity to solve a particular trigonometric equation in a specified range.

Example 1: Solving an Equation in a Specified Range Using the Double-Angle Identities

Find the set of possible solutions of 2𝜃𝜃=0sincos given 𝜃[0,360[.


In this example, we are going to solve a trigonometric equation in a particular range using the double-angle identities.

The double-angle formula for sine is given by sinsincos2𝜃=2𝜃𝜃.

Therefore, 2𝜃𝜃=0sincos is equivalent to sin2𝜃=0.

The general solution, for 𝑛 (using the CAST diagram), to this equation can be found as 2𝜃=0+360𝑛 or 2𝜃=(1800)+360𝑛, which is equivalent to 𝜃=180𝑛 or 𝜃=90+180𝑛, for 𝑛. The first expression gives us 𝜃=0,180 and the second expression 𝜃=90,270, for 𝑛=0,1. For other integers 𝑛, we would obtain angles outside the required range.

Thus, given 𝜃[0,360[, the possible solutions are {0,90,180,270}.

The double-angle identity can also be used to solve trigonometric equations of the form that we saw earlier, 𝑎𝜃+𝑏𝜃=𝑐,sincos by squaring both sides and using the Pythagorean identity. Now, let’s consider an example where we demonstrate this to find the solutions of a trigonometric equation in this form.

Example 2: Solving Trigonometric Equations Involving Special Angles

If 𝜃]180,360[ and sincos𝜃+𝜃=1, find the value of 𝜃.


In this example, we are going to solve a trigonometric equation in a particular range using the double-angle identities.

In order to solve sincos𝜃+𝜃=1, we begin by squaring both sides and distributing: (𝜃+𝜃)=(1)𝜃+𝜃+2𝜃𝜃=1.sincossincossincos

On applying the Pythagorean identity sincos𝜃+𝜃=1 and the double-angle identity sinsincos2𝜃=2𝜃𝜃, we have 1+2𝜃=12𝜃=0.sinsin

The general solution, for 𝑛 (using the CAST diagram), to this equation can be found as 2𝜃=(0)+360𝑛=360𝑛sin or 2𝜃=180(0)+360𝑛=180+360𝑛,sin which is equivalent to 𝜃=180𝑛 or 𝜃=90+180𝑛, for 𝑛. The second expression gives 𝜃=270, for 𝑛=1. For other integers 𝑛, we would obtain angles outside the required range.

Thus, given 𝜃]180,360[, the only possible solution is 𝜃=270.

Let’s see how we can use the double-angle identities to solve other trigonometric equations in a particular range. As an example, suppose we want to find all the solutions within the range 𝜃[0,720] to the trigonometric equation 9𝜃4=2𝜃.sincos

On applying the double-angle formula for cosine and using the Pythagorean identity, this can be written as 9𝜃4=2𝜃=𝜃𝜃=1𝜃𝜃=12𝜃2𝜃+9𝜃5=0.sincoscossinsinsinsinsinsin

If we let 𝑦=𝜃sin, this is equivalent to solving the quadratic equation 2𝑦+9𝑦5=0.

We can solve this using the quadratic formula or factorization to give 2𝑦+9𝑦5=(2𝑦1)(𝑦+5)=0.

Thus, the solutions are 𝑦=12 and 𝑦=5. We can ignore the second solution since for 𝑦=𝜃sin, we have 1𝑦1. Thus, we only consider the solutions with 𝑦=12 or sin𝜃=12, for 𝜃[0,720]. The acute solution is given by 𝜃=12=30.sin

General solutions can be found using the CAST diagram and the periodicity of the sine function, for 𝑛, as 𝜃=12+360𝑛=30+360𝑛sin and 𝜃=18012+360𝑛=(18030)+360𝑛=150+360𝑛.sin

Now, we can substitute particular integer values of 𝑛 in order to find all the solutions within the required range. In particular, for 𝑛=0 and 𝑛=1, we obtain the solutions 𝜃=30,390 and 𝜃=150,510 from the first and second expressions for the general solution respectively. For other integers 𝑛, we would obtain angles outside the range [0,720].

To summarize, the solutions to 9𝜃4=2𝜃sincos, in degrees, for 𝜃[0,720], are 𝜃=30,150,390,510.

Now, let’s look at a few more examples in order to practice and deepen our understanding of solving trigonometric equations using the double-angle identities.

In the next example, we will use the double-angle identity for sine to find the solutions, in degrees.

Example 3: Solving a Trigonometric Equation Using Double-Angle Identities

Find the set of solutions in the range 0<𝑥<180 for the equation (𝑥+𝑥)=22𝑥sincossin.


In this example, we are going to solve a trigonometric equation in a particular range using the double-angle identities.

On distributing the parentheses on the left-hand side of the given trigonometric equation and applying the Pythagorean identity sincos𝑥+𝑥=1, (𝑥+𝑥)=𝑥+2𝑥𝑥+𝑥=1+2𝑥𝑥.sincossinsincoscossincos

The double-angle identity for sine is given by sinsincos2𝑥=2𝑥𝑥.

On substituting this, we have (𝑥+𝑥)=1+2𝑥𝑥=1+2𝑥,sincossincossin and thus the given trigonometric equation (𝑥+𝑥)=22𝑥sincossin is equivalent to 1+2𝑥=22𝑥22𝑥2𝑥1=0.sinsinsinsin

If we let 𝑦=2𝑥sin, we have 2𝑦𝑦1=0.

The solutions are 𝑦=1 and 𝑦=12. For 𝑦=1, we have sin2𝑥=1, which has the general solution, for 𝑛 (using the CAST diagram), 2𝑥=(1)+360𝑛=90+360𝑛𝑥=45+180𝑛sin and 2𝑥=180(1)+360𝑛=(18090)+360𝑛=90+360𝑛𝑥=45+180𝑛.sin

These two expressions are equivalent. For 𝑦=12, we have sin2𝑥=12, which has the general solution 2𝑥=12+360𝑛=30+360𝑛𝑥=15+180𝑛sin and 2𝑥=18012+360𝑛=(180+30)+360𝑛=210+360𝑛𝑥=105+180𝑛.sin

To summarize, the general solutions, for 𝑛, are 𝑥=45+180𝑛,𝑥=15+180𝑛,𝑥=105+180𝑛.

For 𝑛=0, we obtain the solutions 𝑥=45 and 𝑥=105, from the first and third expression respectively, and for 𝑛=1, we obtain 𝑥=165 from the second solution. For other integers 𝑛, we would obtain angles outside the required range.

Thus, given 0𝑥<180, the solutions are {45,105,165}.

Now, let’s look at an example where we will use the double-angle identity for cosine to find the solutions, in degrees, to a trigonometric equation. This time we also have to consider a quadratic equation and the range for the cosine function.

Example 4: Using Double-Angle Identities to Solve a Trigonometric Equation

Find the solution set for 𝑥 given coscos2𝑥+133𝑥=19, where 𝑥]0,2𝜋[.


In this example, we are going to solve a trigonometric equation in a particular range using the double-angle identities.

The double-angle formula for cosine is given by coscossin2𝑥=𝑥𝑥.

On applying the Pythagorean identity, we can rewrite this as coscoscoscos2𝑥=𝑥1𝑥=2𝑥1.

On applying this to the left-hand side of the given trigonometric equation, we obtain coscoscoscos2𝑥+133𝑥=2𝑥1+133𝑥.

Thus, the given trigonometric equation coscos2𝑥+133𝑥=19 can be rewritten as 2𝑥1+133𝑥=192𝑥+133𝑥+18=0.coscoscoscos

If we let 𝑦=𝑥cos, this can be written as a quadratic equation: 2𝑦+133𝑦+18=0.

We can find the solution to this quadratic equation using the quadratic formula to obtain 𝑦=133±1334×2×182×2=133±3634.

This gives 𝑦=63 and 𝑦=32, but since 𝑦=𝑥cos and we have 1𝑦1, then we can ignore the first solution and have to solve cos𝑥=32.

The general solution, for 𝑛 (using the CAST diagram), can be written as 𝑥=32+360𝑛=150+360𝑛cos and 𝑥=36032+360𝑛=(360150)+360𝑛=210+360𝑛.cos

The first expression gives 𝑥=150 and the second expression 𝑥=210, for 𝑛=0. For other integers 𝑛, we would obtain angles outside the required range.

Thus, given 𝑥]0,360[, the possible solutions are {150,210}.

In the next example, we will see how we can use either the double-angle sine or cosine identity to solve a trigonometric equation, as it can be expressed in terms of both after some manipulation.

Example 5: Solving a Trigonometric Equation Using Double-Angle Identities

Find the set of possible values of 𝑥 that satisfy 1𝑥𝑥=2coscos, where 0<𝑥<360.


In this example, we are going to solve a trigonometric equation in a particular range using the double-angle identities.

Recall that the double-angle identity for sine is sinsincos2𝑥=2𝑥𝑥.

Now, to solve the given trigonometric equation, we note that, using the Pythagorean identity sincos𝑥=1𝑥, the denominator on the left-hand side can be written as 𝑥𝑥=𝑥(1𝑥)=𝑥𝑥=|𝑥𝑥|.coscoscoscoscossincossin

Note that the absolute value is necessary to account for the fact that the value of cossin𝑥𝑥 could be negative in the interval 0<𝑥<360. Thus, using the double-angle identity, the left-hand side of the given trigonometric equation becomes 1𝑥𝑥=1|𝑥𝑥|=1||2𝑥||=2|2𝑥|.coscoscossinsinsin

So, equating this to the right-hand side, we have 2|2𝑥|=22=2|2𝑥|1=|2𝑥|2𝑥=±1.sinsinsinsin

Let us consider the two possible values of sin2𝑥 case by case. Firstly, for sin2𝑥=1, the general solution, for 𝑛, is 2𝑥=(1)+360𝑛=90+360𝑛𝑥=45+180𝑛.sin

Ordinarily, we would check the supplementary angle too, but since sinsin(18090)=(90), this would result in an equivalent expression. Thus, the only two solutions to sin2𝑥=1 in the range 0<𝑥<360 are 𝑥=45 and 𝑥=225 (found by setting 𝑛=0 and 1 respectively). Now, let us consider sin2𝑥=1. The general solution of this, for 𝑛, is 2𝑥=(1)+360𝑛=90+360𝑛𝑥=45+180𝑛.sin

And for the supplementary angle, we have 2𝑥=180(1)+360𝑛=(180(90))+360𝑛=270+360𝑛𝑥=135+180𝑛.sin

On closer inspection, we can see that these expressions are equivalent since 135=45+180. Thus, the two solutions to sin2𝑥=1 in the interval 0<𝑥<360 are 135 and 315 (found by setting 𝑛=0 and 1 respectively).

Combining the solutions for sin2𝑥=1 and sin2𝑥=1 together, we have {45,135,225,315}.

Some trigonometric equations may require the use of the half-angle identities for the trigonometric functions, which follow directly from the double-angle identities.

The half-angle identities for the trigonometric functions are given by the following.

Definition: Trigonometric Half-Angle Identities

The trigonometric half-angle identities are sincoscoscostancossin𝜃2=±1𝜃2,𝜃2=±1+𝜃2,𝜃2=1𝜃𝜃.

These can be shown from the double-angle identities. For example, if we consider the double-angle identity for cosine, coscossinsin(2𝑥)=𝑥𝑥=12𝑥, we rearrange this to make sin𝑥 the subject of the equation: 2𝑥=12𝑥𝑥=12𝑥2𝑥=±12𝑥2.sincossincossincos

Now, if we let 𝑥=𝜃2, this can be written as sincos𝜃2=±1𝜃2, which is the half-angle identity for sine. The other half-angle identities can be found in a similar way.

Now, let’s look at an example where we use the half-angle identity for cosine to solve a trigonometric equation, in radians.

Example 6: Solving Trigonometric Equations Involving Half Angles

By using the half angle formula sincos𝑥2=1𝑥2, or otherwise, solve the equation sincos𝑥2+𝑥=1, where 0𝑥<2𝜋.


In this example, we will solve a trigonometric equation in a particular range using the half-angle identity for cosine.

If we substitute the half-angle formula, the equation can be rewritten as 1𝑥2+𝑥=11𝑥2=1𝑥.coscoscoscos

On squaring both sides, we have 1𝑥2=(1𝑥)1𝑥=2(1𝑥)1𝑥=24𝑥+2𝑥2𝑥3𝑥+1=0.coscoscoscoscoscoscoscoscos

If we let 𝑦=𝑥cos, we have to solve 2𝑦3𝑦+1=0.

The solutions are 𝑦=1 and 𝑦=12. For 𝑦=1, we have cos𝑥=1, which has the general solution, for 𝑛 (using the CAST diagram), 𝑥=(1)+2𝜋𝑛=0+2𝜋𝑛=2𝜋𝑛cos and 𝑥=2𝜋(1)+2𝜋𝑛=(2𝜋0)+2𝜋𝑛=2𝜋+2𝜋𝑛.cos

We note that the second expression is equivalent to the first; the general solution is an integer multiple of 2𝜋. For 𝑦=12, we have cos𝑥=12, which has the general solution, for 𝑛, 𝑥=12+2𝜋𝑛=𝜋3+2𝜋𝑛cos and 𝑥=2𝜋12+2𝜋𝑛=2𝜋𝜋3+2𝜋𝑛=5𝜋3+2𝜋𝑛.cos

To summarize, the general solutions, for 𝑛, are 𝑥=2𝜋𝑛,𝑥=𝜋3+2𝜋𝑛,𝑥=5𝜋3+2𝜋𝑛.

For 𝑛=0, we obtain the solutions 𝑥=0, 𝑥=𝜋3, and 𝑥=5𝜋3 from the first, second, and third expressions respectively. For other integers 𝑛, we would obtain angles outside the required range.

Thus, given 0𝑥<2𝜋, the solutions are 𝑥0,13𝜋,53𝜋.

Finally, we will look at an example where we use the half-angle identity for the tangent function to solve a trigonometric equation, in radians.

Example 7: Solving Trigonometric Equations Involving Half Angles

Solve tansin𝑥2=𝑥, where 0𝑥<2𝜋.


In this example, we are going to solve a trigonometric equation in a particular range using the half-angle identities.

The half-angle identity for the tangent function is given by tancossin𝑥2=1𝑥𝑥.

Thus, we have to solve 1𝑥𝑥=𝑥1𝑥=𝑥.cossinsincossin

On applying the Pythagorean identity, we have 1𝑥=1𝑥𝑥𝑥=0.coscoscoscos

If we let 𝑦=𝑥cos, 𝑦𝑦=0𝑦(𝑦1)=0.

The solutions to this quadratic equation are 𝑦=0 and 𝑦=1. For 𝑦=0, we have cos𝑥=0, which has the general solution, for 𝑛 (using the CAST diagram), 𝑥=(0)+2𝜋𝑛=𝜋2+2𝜋𝑛cos and 𝑥=2𝜋(0)+2𝜋𝑛=2𝜋𝜋2+2𝜋𝑛=3𝜋2+2𝜋𝑛.cos

For 𝑦=1, we have cos𝑥=1, which has the general solution 𝑥=(1)+2𝜋𝑛=0+2𝜋𝑛=2𝜋𝑛cos and 𝑥=2𝜋(1)+2𝜋𝑛=(2𝜋0)+2𝜋𝑛=2𝜋+2𝜋𝑛.cos

We note that the second expression is equivalent to the first, that the general solution is an integer multiple of 2𝜋. To summarize, the general solutions, for 𝑛, are 𝑥=𝜋2+2𝜋𝑛,𝑥=3𝜋2+2𝜋𝑛,𝑥=2𝜋𝑛.

For 𝑛=0, we obtain the solutions 𝑥=𝜋2, 𝑥=3𝜋2, and 𝑥=0 from the first, second, and third expressions respectively. For other integers 𝑛, we would obtain angles outside the required range.

Thus, given 0𝑥<2𝜋, the solutions are 𝑥0,𝜋2,3𝜋2.

Let us finish by recapping a few important key points from this explainer.

Key Points

  • We can solve trigonometric equations using the double-angle or half-angle identities.
  • The trigonometric double-angle identities are sinsincoscoscossintantantan2𝜃=2𝜃𝜃,2𝜃=𝜃𝜃,2𝜃=2𝜃1𝜃.
  • The trigonometric half-angle identities are sincoscoscostancossin𝜃2=±1𝜃2,𝜃2=±1+𝜃2,𝜃2=1𝜃𝜃. These follow directly from the double-angle identities.
  • After finding the principal value solution, in degrees or radians, we can find the general solution for the trigonometric functions, for 𝑛, using the CAST diagram and the periodicity of the trigonometric functions.
  • We are usually given a particular range for the angle 𝜃 to determine the solutions, which means we only consider particular integers 𝑛 to find the possible solutions.

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